Chapter 27

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Ellie's POV

About two weeks later, we have to head back home for my second baby appointment.

"You ready?" Mia asks me when she comes to my house to pick me up. "Never been better," I tell her.

She smiles. "Well, we'd best be going then," she says. We leave the house.

I'm honestly nervous, but I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because last time I went to one of these check ups, I got life changing news. I just hope for the best.

As soon as we get there, we walk inside quickly, trying our best to avoid the hot weather.

I take off my sunglasses as we go up in the elevator. "Ready?" Mia asks when the door opens. I nod.  We walk into the door labeled, "Maternity Unit."

We sit in the waiting room for a bit until a woman comes in and says, "Ellie Hemmings?"  I stand up with Mia and we follow the woman into a room.

"You waiting for your husband or no?" she asks. "No, he's on tour," I tell her. She nods. "Oh yeah, the Hemmings boy," she says, "I get it."

"Have you been taking your vitamins?" she asks. "Yeah," I answer. "Have you gone into the pre labor training?" she asks. "I have an appointment when my husband gets back," I tell her.

"Alright, ready for the ultrasound?" she asks. I nod.  "Six months is a long time, so they should be coming along," she tells me.

She takes out the gel that freezes my belly and rubs it on gently. "Alright, ready?" she asks. "Ready," I reply.

She scans for the babies and eventually a picture comes on the screen. She smiles. "A girl and a boy, nothing has changed," she says, smiling at me.

I look at the screen. "See that movement there?" she asks, pointing at two moving objects. "Yes," I say.

"Those are your babies' hearts," she tells me.

It hits me hard then. There they are, alive and all together. It's really happening, I'm going to be a mother in a little less than three months.

"They are healthy too," the woman says, "Perfectly healthy. You're lucky to have such a beautiful pair of twins."

I can't stop smiling. "Can I send a picture to my husband?" I ask. "Of course, we'll print some off for you and you can send them," She replies, walking out of the room.

I take out my phone. "Hey Ellie, are they okay?" he asks. "Perfect," I tell him, "They are perfect Lukey. A boy and a girl, perfectly healthy."

"You're a good mum Ellie," he tells me, bringing me near tears, "You're a really good mum."

"And you're an amazing dad," I tell him. I feel an odd hit in my belly.

"Oh my God," I say. "What?!" he asks, nervous. "They just kicked Luke," I whisper, "They did, oh my Lord, this is amazing. It's all so real."

"It's always been real," he tells me, "Always." 

"Luke, we're going to be parents," I whisper. "I know Ellie," he says, sniffing, "I know. We will be great parents." 

The woman comes back in with pictures. "I'll send you pictures," I tell him before hanging up. Mia puts her hand on my stomach.

"Oh my, they are kicking," she breathes. "Good, and here you are," the lady says, handing me the pictures.

"Thank you," I tell her. "Of course, we'll be seeing you again in a month, your last appointment," she tells me, "Go to the main desk to schedule it."

"Okay," I reply. Mia and I stand up and walk to the main desk.

"Alright alright, how is May fifth as an appointment?" he asks. "Perfect, what time?" I ask.

"Seven thirty two," he tells me. I nod and he hands me a reminder slip. We walk back to the car.

I take a picture of the baby picture that the lady gave me and send it to Luke. He texts me back.

They're perfect oh my. It makes me cry I wish I was there for you.

I reply to it.

your work gets us money for them. I love you, and don't stop doin what you're doin <3

He sends me back his love.

"Taco Bell?" Mia asks. "Taco Bell it is," I tell her as she pulls up to the restaurant.









KIND OF....a filler...

But kind of not.

I love you guys, vote and comment my little kittens! 

Bye now!


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