Are you fucking serious?

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"Babe, She's my sister, okay? She's banged up pretty bad. You don't even know if she'll even remember you." Dave tells me. I hang up and drive up to the house.

"Get in." I say seeing all hell break loose.

"Abby?" Damon asks. Damn it! Is all past coming back.

"Just get in." I say. They jump and we leave before the villains find us.


Abby's helping us. She tried to kill Elisabeth and hit me with her car. I think this is the same one.

"Why are you helping us?" Elisabeth asks.

"Why is your head bleeding?" Abby counter asks.

"Because I went a little crazy and banged my head repeatedly on a metal table." Elisabeth says. I withheld my WHAT?!

"You're turn." Damon taps Abby.

"Dave." Abby says. Who's Dave?

"Oh. That explains a lot." Elisabeth says.

"Who's Dave?" Sandra asks.

"A person. What are you, Abby. He said me and you have a war to prepare for." Elisabeth asks.

"Thanks to you." Abby snaps.

"You're welcome. Just answer the question." Damon complains.

"I'm the anchor." Abby says. WTF?!

Hmm, maybe just one more biteUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum