Call them up

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"Zack, just back away from me, please." I hear Elisabeth say. I rush in knocking Zack off of her into a wall.

"Mine." I growl getting ready to shift and tear him to pieces.

"Lucas, don't." Elisabeth whispers. I whip around to her.

"Why Elisabeth?! He touched what's mine!" I growl.

"I'm okay. He didn't mean it." She says

"He popped your blouse and he didn't mean it?!" I yell.

"Please." She says. I growl kicking out Zack's unconscious body as I pin Elisabeth to the wall.

"You are mine, no one else's, do you understand?" I growl seeing my eyes glow in hers. I back away from her.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"You're not Elisabeth." I say.

"What?! Yes, I am!"

"No tingles!!" She looks at me.

"We're twins, you're suppose to..." This impersonator of Elisabeth says.

"Where's Elisabeth?" I ask.

"Where is she?!" I growl pinning her to the wall by her neck.

"The bathroom." She chokes out. I run to the bathroom and find Elisabeth upside down in the bathtub filled with water. I pick her up and lay her on the floor

"You're too late." She says leaving.

"Come on, Elisabeth!" I say giving her CPR.

"Babe, come on! Don't leave me!" I cry continuing. I sob bringing her to my chest. I place a kiss on her cold lips.

She coughs up water next to me.

"What happened?" She asks. I uncuff her bringing her to my chest.

"I'm glad you're back." I say crying into her hair.

"Did I die?" She whispers. I hold her.

"She looked like you." I say.

What the fauq that mean?

"Hi, guys. Why are you two wet?" Lucy asks. No bad thoughts.

"Because we really like each other." Lucas says. No bad thoughts.

"So, when two people really like each other they get wet for each other?" Lucy asks.

"Yes, they do. Very wet." Lucas says. I bust out laughing.

"What?" They asks.

"Anyway, we need to find Jenna. Call everyone, alright?" Lucas asks. I nod still laughing. They stare shaking their heads. After changing, semi changing. My hair is still wet so I'll wait for it to dry before putting on my shirt. Lucas returns from dropping off Lucy to Zack's. I walk up to Lucas digging in his front pocket.

"What are you doing?" He asks strained.

"Why do you sound stressed? Where's your phone?" I ask digging deeper.

"Not in my front pocket, that's for sure but you can keep digging if you want to. It's in my back pocket." He says.

"Can you get up?" I ask trying to retract my hand. I place my other hand on him pulling. Lucas grabs my hand.

"Can you stop... Moving?" He breathes.

"It's not my fault, your pants are tight!" I say biting my lip still trying to get my hand out.

"The newly found tightness is your fault." He whispers. I look up confused. I finally get my hand out.

"Aren't you gonna get up?" I ask.

"Nope, can't right now." I tilt my head to the side still confused.

"But I need the phone though." I say.

"Come and get it."

"But my boobs would be in your face." He shrugs.

"Not a problem." I climb on him searching for his back pocket. Lucas let's out a throaty groan. I ignore him searching. I jump excited when I feel his phone. I move my hips slightly getting a grasp on his phone.

"Elisabeth." He drags out.

"Wait almost there." I say. He moans as I get up.

"Wow. All that for a phone huh?" I ask myself. Lucas face palms as I start calling. He gets up and walks to the restroom closing the door. What is his problem?

Hmm, maybe just one more biteWhere stories live. Discover now