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"We need a plan." Lucas says.

"Fuck a plan!" Zack yells.

"Shut the hell up!" Lucas yells. They start wrestling. Literally, they are on the floor fighting. Are you fuckin' serious?

"Guys! He knows we're here. Let's just find Lucy!" I yell walking down a corridor.

"Lizzy, This way." Lucas says tapping my shoulder. I squint at him.

"What?" He asks.

"I thought I felt something." I say. He nods turning around. I grab my knife cutting his back. He screams falling on his knees.

"I'm your mate! Why would you do this?" He yells. I walk in front of him kneeling in front of him.

"You're not Lucas." I say.

"Yes, I am."

"No, Lucas is currently being a big baby and is wrestling with my ex boyfriend. And he gives me tingles, you don't." I state.

"So, what are you going to do about it?" He asks. I focus on him. He starts screaming his head off gripping it. He falls to the side passing out.

"And Lucas calls me Liz." I say standing.

"I heard a girl screaming!" Lucas says tackling me.

"Lucas, get off of me." I say muffled.

"What?!" He asks.

"Lucas, get off of me!" I say still muffled.

"What?! What are you saying?!" Lucas yells.

"Get the hell off!" I yell pushing him. He sighs and rolls off. He stands up and pulling me up with him.

"Why did you scream?" He asks.

"I didn't. Fake Lucas did." I point to the guy on the floor.

"Why does he look like me?" Lucas asks.

"Because he tried to be you." Lucas growls. I hit the ground.

"Lucy." I say as I feel a tug.

"Liz!" Lucas yells after me as I'm dragged down the hall. Lucas shifts running after me. After awhile he couldn't keep up. I stop at a room.

"Aw, the doggie, is mad that his matey is hurt." I stand up ready to face Francis.

Hmm, maybe just one more biteWhere stories live. Discover now