Chapter Thirty One

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Let me tell you a tiny secret ; it is now that I have fallen in love with BE when it's already coming to an end ,like I kept asking myself why didn't I prolong it ? .... Thanks for all the positive comments, the corrections and observations. You have no idea how much grateful I am .Jazakumullah bi jannah .


" Angel" Kaybee gently tapped the sleeping form of his wife looking like he will burst into tears any moment .

" mmmmmmm" She babbled and change side drawing the duvet closer to her torso .

" I am going to drench you in cold water if you don't wake up right this instance " He warned with his serious voice .

" I am awake ! I am awake " she abruptly sat up holding her hands up in surrender . She looks cute , making his heart swell with love for the woman right in front of him and breaking it in the process.

" There is a huge problem wifey " he went straight to the point and told her how much his boss has been bugging him to return for the past two weeks and now the call he receive with a threat of sack if he did not go back the next day .

D has been discharged the second day after the incident and they spent three days at her house before finally moving into a very nice and well furnished house which is Kaybee's wedding gift and a surprise to his beloved .Khadijah has squealed in joy, thanking him and her Rabb .Telling him how much joy he has brought to her life and much more .The way she was so happy with something he considers as nothing made him wanna surprise her with little things that brings joy to a contented heart like hers unlike that of Nihal for the rest of his life .

" Subhanallah ! Don't tell me you're leaving already, I almost forgot that you're going to leave me Ya Hayatee " she sounded hurt, he is hurt too .

" I can't do anything about it love, but in shaa Allah I will soon come back to you and never go back there , all I need is your approval ,your prayer for Allah to see me through and that sweet smile of yours that makes me love life more " He said holding her hands in his own .

True to his promise , Kaybee never sleep in the same room with D and she appreciates that gesture more than anything . They will cook together, feed each other , hold hands and do all the things normal couples do but when it comes to calling it a day ,each of them head to their separate room.

" Ya Hayatee, now that you're going I will miss you terribly it my affect my sense " she whined getting off of bed and sitting beside him on a three -sitter across the room.

" I know angel , believe me ,I doubt if I will be able to function well the big problem is I have to leave today " He explained .

" Why not leave tomorrow ?" She asked and he explained to her that there is no direct flight from kano and he has to process for his visa and other things, even though he had already called his friend to help him before he gets there .

" I have a lot of things to take care of right now ! What says the time ??" She freaked out heading to the bathroom .

" 9:30am" He told her as she banged the door .

She took a shower and dressed up in a span of 15minutes .

" Why the hurry wifey ? Where are you going to ?" kaybee inquired slightly startled as to the time D dressed up knowing her to be sluggish something he finds cute about her unlike Ahmad .

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