Chapter 10: the investigation and the break in

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As the pups headed outside they began headed to the palace gate with the guards in it. As they stopped in the gate, the guard are checking if their dress code are valid and no weapons in it. As it is clear and their go other was valid because they're still wearing kimono, Hnabok or Ancient Chinese clothing, the guard let them come in. The palace was so huge and very gigantic and has a garden with a statue of emperor Huang in the fountain. As the pup keep walking to the castle, Chase whisper Tracker got a scheme.

" okay Tracker, this is the plan: me, Rubble, Rocky and Zuma are going to get through the palace while you, Skye, Everest and Marshal disable the security and the Booby traps." Chase whispered as Tracker nod in agreement.

The pups split up into 4 groups one was Chase's group and one was Tracker's Group. In chase group, they went in into the palace and tried to get through the room stealthily. As they pass the security guards, the pups is going to pass through the secret chamber.

" hold on" Rocky exclaim

" what is it" Rubble said

" laser ropes, if it breaks, the alarm sounds" Rocky said.

" so what are we going to do now" Zuma said.

As the thinking, Chase attempt to communicate Tracker. He uses his pup tag to communicate Tracker.

" Tracker, did you disable the security system" Chase asked.

Back at Tracker's group, Tracker and the pups attempt to cut the security wires using a pliers but he didn't know which label is the laser ropes.

" c'mon, there must be a laser ropes label somewhere" Tracker mutters.

" Tracker hurry up, we're going to get apprehended" Everest said.

" c'mon, hurry up" Marshal exclaim as the pups trying to cut the wire but the guards came behind.

The pups turn their head and saw a guard. The pups gasped in horror as they saw a guard fiery glare.

" uh oh" Marshal said

" too late" Skye said

" run, abort mission" Tracker command them as the pups trying to escape but the guard caught them and tied on their hand and their leg too. Causing them to squirm free only while they can't move their arm and feet because both of his wrist and ankle are tied with hot and uncomfortable rope that tighten their wrist and ankle. As the guard put rope on their mouth too causing to preventing the pups to yell for help. After the 4 of the pups from Tracker's group is completely bound and tied, they guard brought them to the king throne.

Back at Chase's group, Chase attempt to call Tracker but there no use. Unfortunately, it's too late, the guard came to the rest of the 4 of the pups.

" oh no" Rubble said as the guard came after them

" RUN" Zuma shouted as the pups run but the guard caught them and tied them just as the Sam as they do to Tracker's group. The guard tied the pups on both of their wrist and ankles causing them to can't move their hand or feet due to the tightness of the hot top to their wrist and ankles. Even the pups began to feel pain on the hot rope. After they bounded and tied up, the guard bring the rest 4 of the pups to the king throne

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