Xin the Flame of Harmony

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After the Battle in the tower Senou and his group returns to the inn with the Refugee and The wanderer, when senou given the bad news to akane's parents about her being taken by the monsters the mother cried but the father calmed and comforts her, Yumiki and the others had taken back to their room, then at the bar Khan ask Senou and the wanderer for a little talk

"senou do you drink alcohol?"

"Sorry I can't, I have Circumstances"

"ow sorry I don't know that you are that kind of person"

"yeah dad always thought me drinking alcohol is bad and my mom also agrees"

"like father like son you two have a lot in common"

"hey how about you spill the beans instead complementing about everything"

"very well..."

The wanderer's name is Xin he is actually an Ancient, he is the guarding wanderer on that particular tower to keep the harmony alive, through his investigation he found a purple substance by chance on the ground, it is really suspicious so he start looking around for another clue then two monsters appeared and it was that Volcanic Minotaurs

Xin able to kill one of them and the other survived, and now it appeared again in senou's battle but there is another reason Xin jumps out of hiding, that Cyclops he was the ancient that roams the tower it is weird for it to be coordinated, but what makes me jump is that Akane girl

"Mister Khan could you tell me all about your daughter... an ancient can sense each other's power presence and Akane is totally one of it that releasing such presence"

"well... do you guys know how ascra born?"

"ooo... I know"

Ascra's in the beginning there are thousands of children treated as a lost cause until a civilization of apostles worshiped the dark Ancients humbly took the opportunity to use their powers as their own, the hero had to put them down but not enough to reverse the process, they couldn't stop the children to be something destructive apparently Akane is one of them, even her father don't know what they have put on his daughter

"perhaps Xin knows what inside her"

"It was a half of the Apollo the Vanquishers of the ashes"

"you mean the Ancient Warrior who have the power of 1 and a half suns"

This is serious for a frail obsessive girl to have such a power, then senou checks up on Yumiki and ask her what happened back then, then he saw her sitting on the bed and looking on the sky

"You know... I was quite surprised that akane attacked us back then and I knew something is wrong"

"You heard our conversation... right?"

(Nods) "My dad and Mr. Khan found them at that Lab and decided to give them the meaning in live... everybody lived with their parents who adopted them but Akane... she was different... after Mr. Khan took her she always gloomy and never have the will to smile until I became her friend... when I told her my live long goal... she pledges herself to aid me to fulfill it, even she hardly is different now... I was glad to be able to see her smile"

"So what are you going to do? The fact that she gone 'Savage' with Apollo's power... she could hurt you"

(Turn back and bows her head down) "Please Teacher... let me save her"

"No, it is too dangerous for a student to handle"

(Depressed) "But..."

(Serious) "And that is why we will do it together"

"As a teacher of course I will bring my students safe and sound, and as a hero I promise myself to save everyone"

Senou gives her a hand and yumiki gladly reaches it, senou ask Xin to help us find yumiki and investigate the person who brought this kind of trouble, Xin accepts and joins the party but then he mention about the Senou hesitates using his Star Duren-Dex, well every time he uses it his left arm tingled and his stomach swirls, it means the Enigmatic Void inside him has entered the 1st stage

Senou was thinking about that but yumiki was interested to know how he learn to use all 8 elements, it is easy and it is the only trick that only be used by his blood line, even his father haven't been able to use all 8 elements, it is weird that he was born with it, but when I first use each of them, senou's stomach and mind begin to swirl and you need to master those elements for the side effects to go away

But the Enigmatic Void is different, it is because that the element is the chemistry of all 8 elements became one, if Photon is a gathering of Mana/Energy then Void is a gathering of Life/Matter but Photon and Void aren't White and Black, Xin suggest to bring harmony to the elements by fusing with a Pure Matter and a Pure energy

And Xin tells them a very special relic, that senou's father have prepared a Dagger made in Pure Flame Matter and Energy, the Solar Edge

Wow just by imagining it senou is drooling with excitement, then there is the more reason to get back in to the tower, they told akane's mother that they will bring her back safely and have a little hope because senou is the hero after all

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