The Heat of Training

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Island of Arutha, our friends returns home of our hero senou tetsuka and his retired neighbors for akane's special training, as their ship or should we say yumiki's family yacht, arrived at the docks they are welcomed by trembling Citizens because there are awed of how luxurious the yacht is, it was driven by yumiki herself and there is Nia as well she can't be alone without yumiki

Almost everybody is there and the dock keeper Run as fast as he can to call senou's mother Mrs. Miyagi, as we they set their foot on Arutha, Mrs. Miyagi is Cooking knowing that she will have guests in her house, the dock keeper arrived and Mrs. Miyagi have just finished and look at those delicious gourmet she did and what is that? Classic breads? it appears it has no seasoning

Senou knocks the door politely but TE.CHA Rush opens the door and tries to hug Mrs. Miyagi but she got hold on the neck collar by senou, Mrs. Miyagi is grateful for them to arrived safe and sound and she surprised that senou brought the albatrosses with him, senou surprised after Mrs. Miyagi explaines that their parents was her underclassmen back, yumiki didn't told him about that neither Nia too

It's because they passed away, right before the new Neo calendar they and Mrs. Miyagi's comrades have put their life on the line for the bright future and it all happened because of senou's father, during the story finishes he was clenching his fist the whole time, Mrs. Miyagi changes the topic and apologizes to Yumiki and Nia for every trouble senou have done then TE.CHA hugs Mrs. Miyagi like she planned

"ow I miss you mom!"


"no, well me and your father was just working with Grampa Seiga when TE.CHA was born"

"yes and that is whe she kept clinging to me until we moved to this island, ow yeah about Seiga it became a huge metropolis mom, like cars busses Metrolines and a Claw machines in the arcades they look so modarn"

"it's Modern, well its great that you enjoyed your work and its seems that you just brought female guests here is this the list you got from our neighbors?"

Senou swings his head like he really mean it but the other 4 didn't understand, then they got to the topic when Grampa Seiga was gone, but Mrs. Miyagi avert that topic and suggest them to eat first then they can take a bath, especially she brought senou's favorite dessert Orange Stuffed Bread, senou's eyes are sparkling and his mouth a drooling but as weird as it looks yumiki too can't wait to taste it

"why are you copying me?"

"I'm not! It's Mrs. Miyagi's cooking so It is a great privilege"

"so you want to taste my cooking that badly Yumiki?"

"not just that ma'am I bought your cooking book but nothing really right?"

"as her sister I can say that her cooking needs a helping hand"

"ah nia you are such a respectable adult now, I am so proud of you"

"(burp) im done"

"what your finished?"

"what you never seen a boy with a big appetite? Mom I going to take a bath first"

"call us when you're ready"

The women continues to chat, about akane's condition and about the tour, Mrs. Miyagi looks surprised because she wasn't tasked to be there with Mr. khan back then, and then akane asks if the DATS that senou have now are really handmade? That is for TE.CHA to answer but its started when senou's power was out of control, so what yumiki saw wasn't the first

Senou got his Talent from his father Kagayaki Tetsuka, he was the best sword mage all around the realm, back then to be a mage you must be born from a mage to have the Mana Circulating in your veins just like blood, and that is what happened to senou he not just adopted that mana capacity but also his all element affinity from him aswell, that made him nausea every time he tries to use his mana even coughing blood was often

But that the story when TE.CHA wasn't created, when she met senou he looks fine and cool just like she could imagine from her thoughts of a charming prince, but at that time he also starred to the stars, when she told that she have the blueprint for DATS senou was psych about having one of them they say DATS are only available if you are an Ascra not just any people can use it even those who have mana, but he was so stubborn to turn back and picked up every last junk that he could find

But to keep this secret between them there is a special feature in his DATS, by the support of the Hero he collected all Prime Elemental Gems which is quite Rare and because senou's Trait he can use it easily, and none of the less the Photon Elemental Sword itself that Now called Star X-Cali Blade

As they kept talking senou have finished his bath and interrupts them, if they want to hear more stories ask the source not the stalker, Mrs. Miyagi tell them to hurry up and take a bath all together but is it to small for four of them, TE.CHA explains that the bath is enough for 5 people because the hero requested it even though he want to live as simple as possible

So the four of them take the relaxing bath, even though their hot spring back home is even better but this is enough, but akane is still bumped out she tells them what if this power that dormant inside her will bring danger that maybe not the entire world but could be disastrous to Yumiki and Nia

"come on akane, I can't possibly lose to those jerks, they could have their laughter but when they see my true fencing skills they will never bother us again"

"but akane, you have grown so much bigger not big as me but quite large"

"hei if it's about sizes I won't lose!"

Yumiki felt embarrassed and gets out from the bath, Nia felt sorry about teasing her but yumiki said that she felt dizzy already and take her towel wrapped around her body and goes to Mrs. Miyagi's room where they will be sleeping, but on the next door she hears a wracked of steel books and sizzle, when she open that door it was senou's room and he is there tinkering with akane's DATS

senou's room is quite a wreckage and there is 5 cans of Fruit Soda with different flavours, she tries to look closer what he is doing but senou quickly glance back and there is nobody there, yumiki hides from his sight but when she tries to look again, senou vanished but he left a clue and it was the window its opened and that could only mean that senou went outside

"Mrs. Miyagi! Senou is gone!"

"don't worry dear he maybe wants to sit on his favorite spot"


"behind this house had dirt path that leads into the forest then when you see a sign says do not enter, you shouldn't and keep walking until you hear the sound like the sea clashing hard towards a rock cliff, and if you found a statue he is always behind it"

"um, should I tell the others?"

"well why not go there by yourself, don't worry nobody is wandering through the forest at night except him, besides I heard a lot of great things about you, especially the part where you idolized me"

"i...i...I am sorry for not telling it sooner"

"then you should go, ow and please give him this Tupperware box, he might be hungry"

As that message repeats in yumiki's mind while she follows all Mrs. Miyagi's instruction she finally found it a statue built near the edge of the cliff senou Fiddling with Akane's brand new DATS, it's just need some cool coloring so that it looks cool on the battlefield, yumiki felt angry for worrying but as she look further to the sea line an old abandoned and ruined tower with just one or two levels in height hooks her curiosity

"oh yumiki, you brought snacks? Um... whats wrong"

"what?... nothing, did you finished that?"

"just a little Artistic touch and we can used this"

"no testing? It look quite wonky"

"what? Girl you don't have any taste of aren't cha?"

"well I'm a just a regular girl, DATS is none of my business (he looks quite fine, does he notice that tower over there?)"

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