New Shades of Filters no.2

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In the afternoon of the graduation day, Nia sat on her desk in class 0 looking on a picture taken from her phone, she standing beside Lena and Cliff then she felt joy with congratulations from the teachers, her friends and her juniors especially the other class 0 members, she thought it's time to be an adult for real

Then senou gently came from the outside through the window

"Nia? I thought nobody was here"

"I'm just tired from graduation, why are you here teacher?"

"I just resting, I like this spinning office chair they gave me"

"two years ago I was a freshman and yumiki said she wanted to go to school just like me, then when she got here the next year both of us became popular, and this year somehow the world is about to end, it strange how fast my time progressed"

"well I don't feel fast-paced at all, maybe I'm used to fighting bad guys in 3 minutes"

"i don't want to hear you brag, this is my personal moment!"


"Am I prepared to move on through life as an adult?"

Silent pause of wind flowed through the trees, then senou said to her that it doesn't have to be now. Everything that has been happening until now maybe fast and out of our control but if it's something for your future only you who can seize the moment, in the old time the world told us who to become and what to do next but in this new era we given the freedom to choose

"have fun, go to karaokes or shopping with your friends, enjoy your youth that seems rushed"

"hehe, that is so cheesy"

"hey heroes say cheesy stuff, it's like their second nature"

To the present where nia is looking on a picture of her and senou alone on that class everyone in the room is jealous and congratulate her for having that picture, then she tries to call him their heart beats harder as the ringing sound goes longer then senou pick it up

"Nia What's up"

"you got any plans this evening?"

"well I have to check on something and I don't know if this "side quest" will take me all day"

"Side Quest? Well b..."

her friends shook their head and suggest to ask if nia can join him

"um can I join you?, I wanna go outside when it's a day off"

"sure, I'm gonna head out after lunch, want me to pick you up?"

"what? , No I can..."

her friend disagrees again and nia felt such pressure from this

"sure, sound cool he he"

"later then, ah ah hot noodle(sound finger sucking)"

Nia's Friends got excited about how senou replies smoothly and it feels like he is professional with dating girls even though he never dated anyone before, this is their chance to make nia look gorgeous, wait what a bout the king's game? And they decided that its over a then the pull nia to her room one of them pull out her magazine that shows senou's bio especially what he likes and hates

On senou's rental house, eating his green spice curry noodle with a big bowl and two boiled egg on it celebrating his monthly house cleaning, the aroma is striking his nostrils but he can't stop thinking the package he just taped back, a very valuable item sent in front of his door step and the word that stuck on his head is "ACE Enterprise"

later senou have arrived in front of the head albatross residence and nia and her friends looks at him through the window then nia steps out and senou is surprised how different nia's appearance is because she looks like a proper princess of a royal family, the wild hair she have is now bundled, wearing a short jean jacket over a white one piece

"wow, that is a complete make over"

"is... is it a bit to much?

"it's fine, shall we go?"


So the both of them went off and nia's friends is watching them left, deara as a worry wart have a bad feeling about this date, but everyone else is excited how this date going to progress so they have an idea to follow them, but little to they know something important will happening because a little girl outside is watching them from a far right now

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