Faint Red, Senou VS Apollo

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Yumiki looks into akane's eyes searching for any clue that she is still there even under apollo's grasps, but he jumps towards helios before she could react, she tells the monster to realease nia and so it did, but they knew if they make a sudden move it can potentially kill them both

Apollo landed swiftly a few meters away from senou and helios, Senou tries to ask Apollo why is he working with the bad guys? And of all the bad guys in this world, why them? But as soon as he finished asking helios is captivated by apollo's new body

"wow, Apollo now you are really hot!"

"bruh! Hey geezer this is not the time to be a pervert!" senou comments him in a flash

"thank you helios, for a 100 years old ancient I never felt this young, I feel like I can cut the mountains again, yet my chess felt a little hard to get used to"

"ooooo it looks perfect with those slender body and especially you have made it to my three size criteria"

Yumiki look at akane from a far with a heart anchored inside, she's having flashbacks when both of them was young, yumiki training in the art of fencing then she saw a silhouette of akane hiding behind mr.khan, the man request a help to watch over her, with that bright heart yumiki had she agrees to look after akane

she is so bad in fencing akane throws away the rapier and cast a magical circle under her toes, a bright blade of fire heard her call, as yumiki realizes that she has become an ASCRA she gave up, khan return and calls akane to go back home, now yumiki closed her eyes and open it again focusing on how she could get Nia out from this Monstrosity's hand 

"ow really, then would you give me back the throne? It is rightfully mine of course"

"throne? You mean the title of the ruler of the sun?" senou asks with a curious face

"sorry, Cause my answer back then will never change"

"what?! Then I shall change it by force"

"I won't let you!"

senou deflects apollo's fist with his left palm but it got burned in the process, luckly he can ease out the pain with minor healing magic, Apollo brings akane's sword from thin air to his hands and point it towards... the sentient? He nodded and it attacks

senou wants to stop it and run pass akane/Apollo but he failed and his clothes almost got burned then falls half way, that was fast he never seen an ASCRA this fast, but what about the girls?! Yumiki barely manages to bring them both some distance between them and the sentient but not for long, then helios begin to attack Apollo by surprise, senou confused

"why? I thought you would allow him to be the ruler"

"I won't, it's true that it was for him, I want to retire with the others but as soon as I turned my back, Apollo had done something terrible, he made Icarus burn to ashes"

"the Only Human who had those Magical and beautiful wings?"

"he and I always been captivated by her wings, but he only thinks of her smile instead, then he made a mistake to invite her to the sun, a higher place where she could fly freely in his eyes, that happened and so I took back the throne, he was enraged and join the invaders"

"hmm... of course when somebody have feelings for someone they want to make them realize it"

"you're a wise kid, what's your name?"

"Senou! Senou Tetsuka"

"then shall we fuse?"

"wait we can?! Awesome! More skill set for my arsenal!"

~Battle Scape ~ ON~

~Star-X-Cali-Blade Cross Solar Blade! Luminous Flame! Grand Gladius~

It fuses and become a bright crimson blade emitting the hottest flames that ever existed, Apollo charges in for a side cut but senou deflect it but surprisingly when he touch apollo's blade an expolion appeared after three consecutive blade clashes he steps back and attacks from a far with Fire balls but that won't be an issue for senou

~Super Solar Star ~ Solar Blade Extendia! ~

The tip of the blade extends as far like it touched the outer rim of the landscape. Apollo begin to crumble to his knees, and senou ends it with a overwhelming last attack! His blade became gigantic like a size of the dungeon tower itself from level -300 to +25 then it hits the ground set the land on fire

"Akane wake up! You have to! Or I'll give you a scorching F minus!"

~Ultimate Solar Star ~ Gargantua Punisher! ~

Apollo have been beaten, then senou calmly order Apollo to leave akane's body, but before he do he confess

"to be honest I don't want to regain my throne, all I want is to bring icarus back, I was wrong to invite her to my palace up there maybe I was that blinded by my own desire"

"then why are you so whiny about it huh?, even if you ancients and invaders are all powerful you are still living beings, and all them... all of us, we made mistakes and just like you I have lost someone as well, but I moved on and so should you"

"you are a wise boy, but sorry I can't get out of her, you see this is the end of the deal from the abyss lord"

"the abyss lord?!"

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