Chasing the Mists

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Yumiki and the gang were ambushed by the genius swordsman who just fleeto the castle, and now they are chasing this genius thought the city with snow shoved between their boots, but then as they catch up to her she jumps on a roof and continues to flee, Yumiki and the others can't do that and they will lose sight of her but akane can and yumiki told her to chase her upwards while she and the others try to follow from the alleys, akane transforms as she jumps

~Wake Up ~ Cross Apollo!~

"hmm. i felt warm without my winter coat, is it because of your power apollo? apollo?! Hello?!"

Apollo doesn't respond, it's concerning, meanwhile the Genius slashes the roof and throws some debrie towards akane, it missed but now it falls towards chilrdrens playing below her, yumiki manages to push them but she got crushed by those pieces of wood, she pulls her head up and told akane to keep moving and so she does closing the gap between her and the genius

"Are you okay miss yumiki?"

"im okay masaya, Zanya go help Akane!"


"if we don't catch her we will missing our only lead! now go!"

"understood" Zanya Make haste while yumiki and masaya were left behind

"miss how could jump that far?"

"i don't know, maybe the training is brought result"

Zanya was lucky, akane left a trail of smoking foot steps but as he followes it he was lead to a dead end. His only choice is to climb to the roof top with empty boxes right infront of him. akane can almost reach the genius's cloak but a claw blade swiping towards akane's hand, she pulls it and the person was really big, he reveals his cloak appearing to be a man in his 40s with brown hair

"your chase ends here"

"make me"

As the two enter combat, meanwhile at seiga academy senou have finished his paper work at the teachers office he looks besides him an empty desk where Silver was still a normal teacher, senou sulks and slouches on his chair

"i feel so bored now, in this moment i need some plot progression"

"Senou, are you okay?"

"Sama senpai?"

a beautiful women who teaches ancient language, she worries about other teachers like her family too bad she doesn't have a thing on Silver, she told that Detective Laana want senou to come to the seiga reasearch HQ, as we Know Laana don't know how to use phones

Senou so excited he teleports in front of the HQ. He comes in and say hi to the Receptionists but there is also somebody coming in it was anaisha bringing a Lunch Box

"Wow anaisha you look really casual, what are you doing here with that box?"

"Oh good day teacher, just working, my mom runs are catering service, im here to deliver this spicy peanut stir-fry to Mr.Kroeger"

"The Historian? Here?"

"well that's what my mom wrote, look i took a picture of it with my smartphone"

"You Right!"

then a shout from the hall way, it was selene her father was also called here and he bought lunch because he forgot to eat break fast too

"why are you here teacher" selene crossing her hand with an sharp face

"non of your buisness" he walks away through the hall

"Selene, here's the lunch your father ordered"

"Thanks, me and daddy are empty like a husk"

"You forgot to eat breakfast too Selene?"

"No im just hungry, thanks again"

senou found the room he supposed to go and met the Science Head professor of Seiga Research HQ Katsuragi Inoue and suprising the Historian Horaine Kroeger the Father of Selene is here in this room. they both looking at the Blade senou secured this morning, then Laana came to the room after smoking, senou and Horaine suprised that Laana smokes

anyway on the monitor now show the substance, half of it is from Furos Steel, Ether crystal, and Dragon Gem, while the other half is Invader Tech, it is some sort of little organism as a size of dust as they zoomed in they are gathers in such Pentagon like structure, 15 cm from the Edge of the blade looks solid but the inside is Hollow making this 10 cm thick weapon light and this organism doesn't look vulnerable either

from The History books, that invader Flying Cruiser able to Negate an adult dragon's flame only the Ancient Gods can bring one down in 2 hours, for this blade to not be enchanted is normal especial if that old blacksmith is the only one who worked this weapon, but such weapon is still dangerous

Selene comes in brought the lunch and surprised that senou is here, Horaine forgot that senou teaching in the academy he is grateful for his guidance when he is not there, senou said it was fine and walks to the door, as he passed selene Katsuragi asks where is he going?

"I better go to Helmeth and asks somebody, I might found interesting things there"

as he left the HQ on the side of his sight he found Vice president Horse Shoe going in his unusual car with suspicious figure, as the vice president drove off senou putting his fingers on his chin and smiles

"I better call detective Laana... Not!"

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