Attack! Helmeth Army Part 2

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Seiga is under attack by the Helmeth and sirens echoes through out the land with the scene is captured by the surveillance cameras with thick smoke of bombarded shops and homes tall and short big and small, yet there is a surprise waiting for yumiki and the girls because in battle between swordsman zanya is losing

"Wait we're not done yet" zanya muttered until he is drops to the ground

"it's over, now that I have bested you, I have a new enemy"

The Genius swordsman turn her back on him and opens a gate scroll while the cobblestone under her feet covered by the blood of her fallen foe, but then yumiki showed up with a flash second too late to catch the enemy but for now zanya is in trouble

"Zanya! Zanya! Hold on!"

"Miss what happened?"

"Masaya? please find a house to lend, we need a warm room"

"Right! I'll ask someone"

"Fast, ugh the wounds looks deep, Zanya hang on!"

"whats the matter?" a stranger asks what happened

"don't you have eyes Mr? see for yourself"

"miss I found a someone to lend a room, but..."

"buts are for later, come help me carry him"

A block a way there is an orphanage the nuns happily lend a room, its filled with teen that were abandoned while the old war happened, yumiki asks for the residence for an unused cloth but then an rough voice opening the huge back door it is none other than Hodr the blind winter, he is the ancient that calls upon the snow storms around helmeth his stature reaches just under the swinging chandeliers as he walks in

"let me see the wounded one"

Everyone was moved from his was not because he is the ancient of dark winter no, but because he is blind and they didn't want to get accidentally stepped on, he straightens his index finger then guided by the nuns to zanya's wounds

"what are you doing?!" questions with a wary

"don't worry I will cover his wounds with ice, bear with the sting boy these will help the blood from spilling"

"Young albatross can I speak with you?"

"how do you...?"

"let's go outside there is no place for me to sit in here" walks outside

Hodr tells Yumiki what he knows in summary, Queen Skadi was found ill in her bedroom and only the staffs maids and cooks but the royal guards are missing and Hodr sense it. They were sent off with other military personals to seiga, the news hits hard in yumiki's ears then she panics and have to go home quick

"then I want you to hold this for me"

"an SPU?! I can't use it"

"give this to Mr. Tezuka, I heard he used both of the fire pillars power and now I pray that her power will be of use"

"thank you Hodr"

"i will take care of your injured companion, and ask for the nuns for a horse we have the finest breeds"

Horse riding? Hope that yumiki going to be okay, but mean while in the mists of war the inner city is greatly defended non of the invaders passed through yet, senou looks like skipping along the road while freezing every enemy soldier in sight

This is only the first level now to jump the difficulty to eleven, senou looks up to one of the balloon airships, the commanding captain is frustrated how the soldiers bellow are frozen solid and then somebody opes the door to the room

"sir The Hero is missing"

"great! That child won't stop us now! Full spee.."

"ow wait here he is!"

It was senou all along and has punch all the crew out cold, the captain surprised and got punch right on his stomach then senou has successfully taken over the ship. He flew away from seiga territory facing south west then he pull out a pipe and blocks the steering wheel to leave it on "auto pilot".

Then he shrinks his eyes when he see a glow from below the air ship right above in the covers of a forest, a crescent shaped projectile coming in hot, it rips of the balloon wide, guess it's time to abandon ship but senou can't left the whole crew explode, so with his incredible elemental bending he commands the wind to circle around the ship and create a tornado to safe land the ship then he teleports to a nearest Vine Tree and make it bind the ship with it's vines

Great landing, but as senou looks around for the location where the projectile came from nobody is there to wait for his excitement for a one on one battle, so there is no final boss yet. Then a huge explosion coming from the city and sirens reaches his ears clearly and wary his heart

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