Harry p.o.v
"You know Harry, Draco really does want to be our friend. It's not just because he is in trouble." Hermione said, thoughtfully a few minutes after telling us her conversation.
I nodded and glanced at Draco who is still staring at me. "But how are you so sure of it? And why did you start to call him Draco?" Ron asked.
"I made him take vertuseriom, and he's nicer than you think Ron." Hermione said grinning.
"We're did you get it?" I asked.
"I always carry a vial on me for emergency." Hermione answerd showing us a vial.
Then Parkinson came over and smiled. "Hello." She said, smiling and grabbing a bread roll.
"Hi?" Me and Ron said.
"So, Draco is having a 'birthday party' this weekend, and he wants you to come." She said looking at her nails as she eats the bread.
"Why now?" Ron asked.
"He was to busy to have one over the summer and it's close to the school year so he thought, Why not. Are you coming or not?" She asked.
"Yeah, we love to!" Hermione said.
"Great! It's Sunday at 8 sharp." Then she left.
"Hermione!!" Ron said.
"They want to be our friends. Saturday, we will get Draco a present." Hermione said.Saturday, I woke up and felt tired still and since it's Saturday, I went into little space and remembered we need to get Draco a present, which made me happy. It's nice to give people presents and it would be nice to have Draco as a freind. He is cute.
So I jumped onto Ron and said, "Ronny we need to go shoppy."
He groaned and said, "Harry, get off me. We have plenty of time."
"But Rooooon." I whined.
"Fine fine." Ron said getting up. We then got ready, Separately, and went downstairs to see Hermione in the common room on the couch reading.
"Great, your both awake. Let's get breakfast." Hermione said, slamming her book shut.
We then went to the Great Hall, me skipping beside Ron and Hermione. Some people looked at me weird, others though thought I was cute.After eating, we went to Hogsmeade to look for a present.
Hermione got him a book, Ron some candy, but I just can't find a thing. Then I saw a cute stuffed animal dragon that is a beautiful Slytherin green. "I want to get that for Draco." I said pointing at the dragon.
"Um... Harry... Are you sure?" Hermione asked.
I nodded and she just shrugged. So we bought it.Draco p.o.v.
The trio showed up and Ron and Hermione gave me their presents while Harry says he wants to wait. I can tell he is in little space, acting like he is not.
It was adorable.After the party, Harry came over and handed me the present. I smiled and opened it to see a green dragon. I smiled thinking that this just makes Harry even cuter.
"Thank you Harry, it's adorable." I said smiling sincerely.
"Your Welcome Draco!" Harry said beeming.
I kissed his cheek, making him blush and quickly walk over to Hermione, who winked at me, and a confused Ron.
I laughed and went to my room so I can get some sleep.Harry p.o.v
Ugh. Monday is enough to knock anyone out of a nice little space sleep. Then, I realized I actually gave Draco a stuffed animal. And he liked it!
What if he starts making fun of me, realizing I'm just a waste of space, and that I'm just stupid? "Hey, Harry, time to get up. You okay?" Ron said.
"Yeah... Just... Can't believe I gave that to Malfoy."
"What happened to calling him Draco?" Ron asked.
I shrugged and got up getting ready for the day.Draco p.o.v
I woke up realizing I fell alseep with the stuffed animal Harry gave me. I smiled, knowing that when I get Harry to be mine, he will get to know that I slept with it.
I set it on my pillow and began getting ready for the day. "I can't believe Harry gave you a stuffed animal." Blaise said looking at it.
"I think it's cute."I said grinning.
"He's not even your boyfriend yet." Blaise said also grinning. "But I thought you'd be giving him stuffed animals."
I shrugged and said, "I will give him some, and he can give me some too. Harry is just so cute."
Then, we went to the Great Hall. Us talking joyusly about our crushes.(EDITED 5/26/21)

Daddys little boy (Drarry) {DDLB}
FanfictionThis is a DDLB story (daddy-dom, little-boy.) Daddy Draco Little Harry. Harry has had the little space since he can remember. though he never knew what it actually was. he'd just fall in sometimes and act like a kid. mostly when he is in the common...