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Harry p.o.v

When we sit down Hermione smiles and says, "what have you boys been up to?"
"We went to a room that can become anything you want and played." I say happily.
"That's good Harry did you have fun?" Hermione ask.
I nod and dravo gives me food to eat so I began to eat. "Draco said we can go again." I say and cuddle to him.
He hold me and says, "yes maybe over the weekend."
I cuddle to Draco more and kiss his cheek.
Dravo smiles down to me and kisses my forhead. 

Once we finish eating we go to the Griffindor common room and sit by the fire talking a bit.
Then Draco takes me to the dorm and dresses me then himself then we get into bed and he holds me to him tells me to sleep.
I cuddle to him and nuzzles his neck. And I slolwy fall asleep.

In the morning we get up and Draco gets our clothes out and we get dressed then go to the great Hall.
We eat breakfast and then me and Draco go to our separate first classes.

Nothing really happened in our first few classes. At lunch Draco sat with us and we talked about the pink bitch.  And apparently even though half of slythren is sucking up to her no one likes her. Though I can't imagan why any one would.
Then we saddly had to go again. The Griffindor have another class with umbitch and the ravenclaw.
Though instead of doing anything in the class I just stared off into space. And I did not get into truble! So yay!
Hermione though almost did because she worked ahead. I'm happy she did not get intruble.
I got lucky last time that McGonagall did not give me detention or any punishment. Don't know why she did not though.

Then we went to our last class of the day. Potions. I still hate the class. Though I get to work with Draco.
"How is your day baby?" Draco ask as we make the potion.
"Good." I reply grinning and trying to help.
Draco smiles and says, "what was good baby?"
"All the times I got to see you." I reply smiling.
Draco smiles and kiss my cheek then finishes the potion.
Snape comes by and tells us we done good and is dismissed.
We walked out and Draco said, "would you like to go to the room tell dinner?"
I nod and we run up to the room.


When we get to the room we walk in and I sit out bags on the couch and get Simba out if Harry's bag. "Let's do our homework then we can play something okay?" I say as I take out our homework and lead Harry to the kitchen.
"Okay daddy." Harry replies and fallows.
  I smile and hand Harry his homework and we start.
Harry was doing okay on his own. He needed some of my help. Though I don't mind helping him.

Once we finish I take Harry to the bedroom and kissed him. He kissed back and grabbed my shirt pulling me close.
I pushed him to the wall and started to grind against him and ruffly kiss him.
Harry moans and starts to grind back.
I then pulls away and practically rip his clothes off. Harry then helps take mine off and I push him to the bed.
I get on top of Harry and start to kiss his neck and I grabbed his cock and started to rub it.
Harry moans and pushes against my hand.
I then sit up and grab some lube from the table and put it on my fingers and cock then I got back to kissing Harry and finger his entrance to tease him.
He pushes against them moaning against my lips.
I push my fingers inside him and move them around making Harry arch his back and moan.
I pull away from kissing him so I can hear him moan better.
I pull out my fingers and push my cock into him.
Harry moans and relaxes.
I smile and start to slowly move inside of him making him moan louder. He then started to bed me to go faster. I smirk and continue to go slow and I rub his sides as I lean down and kiss him.
Harry whinpers and moans against my lips as I start to go slightly faster.
Harry holds onto me tight as I pull away a bit.
Harry pants and begs me to go faster and harder.
I start to do as he asked making him moan and pang louder.
I roll us over and grab his hips saying, "ride me baby."
He starts to bounce hard. I thrust up inside him and hold his hips guiding him. I then cum inside him as he cum on us.
I then move him off of me and hold him to me. "You done good baby I'm proud of you."
"Thank you daddy." Harry says and cuddled me.
"We forgot dinner." I say and sigh.
"It's okay daddy. I'm not that hungry." Harry says.
"I'm not either but you should still eat. " I tell him and rub his back.
"Nap first?" Harry ask giving me puppy eyes.
"Sure." I say and kiss his forhead.
He cuddles to me and fall asleep. Me going to.

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