Chapter 1

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Yuka's p.o.v

Me and big brother sat on a bench in the park. "So where are we going after this?" I asked happily. "We wil-" "Hello guys!" Naomi's voice came. "Naomi! Hey what's up?" Satoshi asked standing up. "Nothing really, hello Yuka!" She waved to me and I waved back slowly. I like Naomi trust me she is the best, and since Seiko had died she has had it hard. But every time she comes over or meets us somewhere oniichan (big brother) cancels us and goes with her. "Big brother weren't we going to the icecream cart?" I interrupted them. "That's right, Naomi want to join us?" He blushed asking her. "Well, sure but I have to get back to my work" she smiled.

They walked hand in hand while I stayed back. "Hey Yuka!" I heard a voice call. "Eiko! What are you doing here?" I asked blushing a little. "Playing catch, wanna join?" he asked handing me the frisbee and pointing to his friends. "Sure" I smile and then throw it to one of the guys. Since oniichan went with Naomi I decided to hang out with the coolest boy in school. We threw the frisbee back and forth but I sat out most of it and laughed watching them. "So Yuka, did you come here alone?" asked Eiko throwing it to Kin. " oniichan ran off with the girl of his dreams and left me" I explain. "That wasn't nice" he said making a T with his hands then coming to sit by me.

I was blushing like crazy, 'why did he want to sit by me? Did he like me? What do I do? Should I leave?' the questions raced through my head. "So, me and my friends were going to the little cart here in town that cells these scented beads, wanna come?" he asked. "Yes please! I collected half of them and I want another caramel again" I smiled making sure I had enough of my allowance. Then we headed down to the cart. I bet my oniichan doesn't even know I am missing. I bought the caramel again and then bought some more. 'Big brother says this is a waste of my allowance but I don't care' I think in my head. Then I sighed and decided I would go and find him. "Hey this was fun Eiko but I better get going" I tell him and he nodded.

Soon I found my oniichan by the cart and Naomi was still there. "Hey Yuka!" I heard her call. "Where have you been?" asked big brother. "No where..." I look away. "Well, I better get going" Naomi said as she kissed Satoshi on the cheek before running away. "Ready to go back home?" he asked smiling. He was obviously still dazed by the kiss. "Sure...I guess" I muttered before turning and walking away. "Whats wrong?" Satoshi asked me. "Nothing" I reply not meeting his gaze. He stopped in front of me and got on a knee. "Something is wrong, what is it?" He insisted. "I said nothing was wrong" I say walking around him. I love my oniichan but right now I ain't in the mood to tell him my feelings.

I always think of what would have happened if I did get killed in Heavenly Host Elementary. Would he even care? Probably, I am his little sister and no one should be able to take my place in his heart. When we got home it was dinner time. "This is great udon" I smile finishing it. "Well thank you Yuka" my mom replied finishing the dishes. Satoshi went into his room and shut the door. I knocked and I heard him say "come in." I walked in and went into my room but was stopped by him. The only way you can get to my room is through his room. "Hey, you want to come to the festival tomorrow?" he asked kindly. "Um, sure I guess" I smile happily.

Corpse Party: Yuka's Mistake (OLD)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu