Chapter 5

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Yuka's P.O.V

I sat against the wall as Eiko and Akira looked around. "We aren't getting anywhere staying in this stair case" she pointed out and helped me up. "I was in here with my oniichan but now..." I trailed off. "You got us, don't worry" Eiko said. "Let's go" Akira smiled patting my back as we walked. We soon found the infirmary and Akira sat on the bed. "Maybe we should rest" she sighed laying down. Eiko sat next and I layed down after. We all soon fell asleep and I felt scared and alone...why? I had Akira and Eiko with me. I woke with a jump, I must have dozed off. "Eiko, Akira" I call to them and they sit up.

"Let's go," I say getting up and leaving the infirmary. We walked near the bathrooms and heard a familiar voice. "Why do we have to keep dying over and over!" Seiko yelled. "Seiko!" I yell happily running into the bathroom. "Yuka!" she seemed surprised to see me, I mean I would to. "What are you doing here!? Is Naomi and the others here to?" she asked. "No, I did the charm with other people" I explain. "Sorry to break up your little reunion but...who are you?" Akira asked. "I'm Seiko, a girl who died here, and you are?" she asked kindly. "You sure are cheery..." Eiko pointed out but was interrupted. "I am Akira, and that's Eiko...we are some of the friends that came here with Yuka" Akira smiled.

"Why did you come back? H-he is looking!" Seiko mentioned. I froze and looked at her scaredly. "It's ok, I am sure no one will let him hurt you" she reassured me. "Especially me" She winked at me then laughed. "Is Naomi dating Satoshi?" she asked. "Not that I know of" I reply which puts a frown on her face. "Tell her I said she better make a move or I'll show her what's up" Seiko laughed. Then we heard her gasp and she pushed us out of the way. "Ahh! Ugh!!!" She screamed as a red flame hit her. It must have been an angry spirit. "Seiko!" I screamed running to her. Seiko then disappeared into thin air. "Did she die!?!" Akira gasped.

Ghosts can't die twice, can they? If they can Seiko won't be back for a while then! "No she couldn't have" I sigh feeling sad. "We should keep going" Eiko broke the silence and we left the room. "So how do we find our friends?" asked Akira. "Well, there are different spaces and we might not ever see them and we might, the school decides" I explain before we heard the floor creek behind us. "Ah!" Akira screamed as something grabbed her arm. We turned to see the big zombie man. "Grrrrrrraaaaaahhhhhaah!!" He yelled bringing his hammer in the air. "Run!" I yell and we ran away. Akira was in front she must have been so scared. Then we were cornered, there was no where to go...were we going to die?

Miu's P.O.V

*cough* *cough* it echoed through out the building. I was alone and I felt my heart beat fast. "Where are you Kin" I whimpered getting up and walking around. I saw a door and tried it but it didn't budge, it looked like a piece of the wall. "This place is crazy!" I yell to myself. But I could feel myself getting tired and it was really cold in this hallway. I walked around some more until I found another door that worked. I went in but I stopped as soon as I saw a skeleton in the corner. "Ah! It's looks so real!" I scream going and taking a closer look. "It's is real!" I gasp backing away. I looked at the name tag that read the victims name, Kiroski Mitko. "Huh? There are notes on the floor next to him" I wonder and read them.

"It has been about a day, I am starving and there is nothing to eat. I was separated from my friends and I am going to die in here. I just hope that someday I can apologize to Hana, cause the last I saw her was the last time I might ever see her. We were fighting and were separated from each other...I hope she makes it out alive," And the rest was all covered in...blood!? I dropped the notes quickly not wanting to take a second look at them. I felt some kind of presence behind me and I stood still. 'Who was there?' I asked myself. I looked back slowly and saw a little ghost boy. "Let's play" it laughed grabbing my arm. "Let me go! I have to find my friends!" I scream.

The ghost let go but then tried to grab my arm again. I ran before it could and it was chasing me until I got out of the room. I was breathing for air and it felt like my heart would jump out of my chest. *sob* *whimper* "I am so scared, Kin help me" I mumbled through whimpering. Then I got up and cleaned my face off then walked some more with my hands at my chest in a scared, non hostile way. I soon saw another door, it might as well be wallpaper because it wasn't budging. I sat against the wall, I didn't think I would make it out of this place. I am so tired, I started to drift off into a sleep.

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