Chapter 11

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Reika's p.o.v

I woke up and stretched but then realized I wasn't home. "Ah!" I jumped up which woke up Eiko and Akira. "What's wrong?" he asked yawning then he realized where they were as well. "We have to find the others and get out of here..." Eiko sighed. "You sure are becoming quite the leader Eiko" Akira giggled. He smiled and turned to Akira and said, "Already on a first name basis?" he joked and her face was flushed. He always called Yuka by her first name as well but she didn't mind it. We walked down the hall and I couldn't help the thought of us dying finding it's way into my thoughts. 'At least if I die...I can be with my sister...' I sigh silently to myself.

We kept on walking until I saw something in the wall. "Hey, what's that?" I asked pointing to the wall. Eiko hesitantly made his way over there and picked up a bloody sack. "Well...whats inside?" Akira asked shivering. "I ain't looking!" Eiko said throwing the bag to the ground. "I-I will look then..." I mumbled going towards the bag. "Eep!! It's a tongue!!!!" I scream throwing the bag at the wall. "Wait, maybe it's one of the ghost kids tongues" Akira said as she froze and turned silently around as we heard a noise. "Gih it bahk, it's mineee" the ghost child cried. "W-what does he mean!?" I panicked and his eyes turn to darkness. "GIH IT BAHK!!" he yelled before running at us.

We dodged it but he managed to grab my arm. "Eiko! Akira Help!" I yell towards them as the kid pins me down. Eiko quickly grabbed the bag and pulled out the tongue. "Here! Come get it!" he yelled to the ghost as it looked at him. He let me go and went to Eiko and smiled at the sight of his tongue. "My tongue..." it said before turning to us. "Thank you so much!" was all he said before vanishing. "Reika are you alright?" Akira asked patting my back. "I-I am fine" I muttered but I could feel tears rising to the brim of my eyes. "It's ok, you can cry all you want we won't judge" she comforted me as she hugged me tightly. I couldn't hold back anymore and started sobbing hard and loud.

"This is a nightmare! We have to leave" Eiko whispered silently still shocked. Akira looked up at him and he felt bad for Reika. 'Why does Eiko have to be so cute...I really should make a move since no one else will' Akira said to herself in thoughts. I sniffled before getting up and looking down. "You ok?" Akira asked. "Y-yes...lets just get out of here fast I can't take being in here anymore" I whimper.

Miu's p.o.v

Me and Mayu were walking down a hall when she froze. "What's wrong?" I asked. We made it to the second wing and for some reason she paused before we got to the steps. "I can't and won't go any further..." she said shakily. Was she going to cry? I ran to her side and comforted her. "Is there someone there? Should we turn around?" I ask. "I just can't go over there...Lets turn around yes" she sighed turning away. 'Someone that she knew must have been watching us or something...' I say looking back before following her. It has been a while since I was attacked and boy was I relieved. "Thank you so much...uh, Suzumoto was it?" I asked a little embarrassed I didn't remember her name. "Yes, and no problem Hora!" she smiled.

She must have cheered up and I was glad that she did. As we continued to walk something fell right in the room beside us. "Ah!" I yell before backing away. "Let me check it out..."Mayu said before going in. *five minutes later* "Suzumoto!? Did you leave me!?" I yelled after. I could feel my chest pounding and it felt like I would have a heart attack right then and there. "Please don't leave me...I hate being alone!" I cried sadly sinking to my knees. "I want to go home so badly!" I sniffle. *hic* *whimper*. I get up and continue walking alone, quietly and hesitantly.

I froze as I remember that Yuto was probably still after me. "Oh no! I don't have anyone to protect me!" I whine. I decided I had to run and hide, then I would find the others. "I think that one girl said we were in different I won't have any chance if meeting my friends?" I asked myself quietly. God, it sucked being alone with no one to comfort you, talk to you and/or walk with you. I decided it was time to man up and I started walking proudly. As I was walking I felt so empty inside and wondered...If I ever did make it home, how would it be? As that went through my head I noticed I was making great progress and felt a smile appear on my face.

(Alright I want to ask you something, I want to know who you think should die. I won't tell you which one I pick it will have to be a surprise! So if you could leave a character in the comment that you think shouldn't live, that would be awesome haha!)

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