Chapter 3

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Satoshi's p.o.v

I layed in my bed thinking of what I should do. I was going to ask Naomi if she wanted to go on a date but Yuka has been strange. She is just so worried about should be me being worried about her. She doesn't want me to leave her I guess, but sooner or later I have to leave. What do I do? Yuka means the world to me...I mean if I didn't care for her I wouldn't have made sure she was ok and stayed alive in Heavenly Host Elementary. I am just glad she wasn't hurt when she was alone for a while. She sure was shaken up when Naomi and I found her...maybe something bad happened! I might not have noticed cause I cared so much for Naomi.

What would I have done if she was killed in there? I couldn't bear to lose Yuka or Naomi. I soon closed my eyes and fell asleep slowly. It didn't last long before I heard sobbing coming from Yuka's room. I got up and walked quietly and slowly in and saw her crying and moving around a lot in her sleep. "Yuka!" I shake her and she woke with a jump and she was still crying. "Oniiiiiichan!!" She screamed out crying and I pulled her into a hug. "Shh it's ok" I whispered but she pushed me away and backed towards her wall. "No! Leave me alone!!" Yuka screamed at me. "Yuka! It's me Satoshi" I tell her as she soon realizes.

"O-oniichan?" she sniffled hugging me again. "What happened?" I asked as she pulled away. "Nightmare I guess..." she sighed sniffling. "You were crying and screaming...not to mention you yelled and pushed me away" I explained still shocked. "I-I am sorry" she whimpered looking down. "Don't say sorry, you were scared and I obviously reminded you of someone...who?" I insisted on. She started to whimper and sob again then looked at me. "Why did you leave me?" she cried. "What do you mean?" I asked confused. "When I was about to go to the bathroom you said you would wait for me and you didn't" she continued.

I froze remembering that I was knocked out and she was alone. "I was knocked out and put somewhere" I said. "I-" she started before crying harder. I pulled her back into a hug and calmed her down. "You want me to stay with you?" I asked a little upset. "Please," she sniffled laying down. I layed next to her making sure she wouldn't feel sad again. I soon figured she was asleep cause her breathing slowed and she looked so calm and happy. I sighed getting up and heading back to my room and laying in my bed. "Who did I remind her of? It was obviously someone from when she was alone" I mumbled to myself.

Pushing all the thoughts to the back of my head I fell asleep. The night passed by like a flash and I felt someone shaking me. I blinked open my eyes and saw Naomi, Ayumi, and Yoshiki. "Hey, you can't sleep the day away!" Ayumi laughed. I figured my mom let them in before she left for work. "Sorry, I was up all night wi-" I stopped and they looked at me. "With who?" Naomi asked smiling. "Yuka...she flipped out last night and was crying, screaming, and kicking in her sleep. I tried to calm her down then she pushed me away and yelled at me to leave her alone. But she soon realized it was me then asked why I left her alone in Heavenly Host" I explained and by their expressions they felt bad for her.

"It looked as if I reminded her of someone" I say. "Well we haven't heard a sound from her room" Yoshiki shrugged. I got up and peaked in and saw her sleeping soundly. "We should wake her up, she has school" Naomi whispered. Nodding I walked over and woke her up slowly. "Huh?" she blinked getting up. "Time for school" I say to her. "Oh, ok" she smiled getting up and pushing us all out and shutting her door. "She must be getting dressed" laughed Ayumi. I chuckled before I kicked them out as well and got into my clothes. "We will wait in the living room" I hear Naomi call through the door. I got ready and then me and Yuka walked down the hall to the living room. (I think it's a hall XD never seen the house :p)

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