Chapter 7

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Akira's p.o.v

Eiko and I sat on a wall panting, he got up and turned to me. "Where is Yuka?" He panicked. "I thought she was right behind us!" I pant getting up. "I knew I should've pushed her in front of me!" Eiko scolded himself. I patted him on his back and he looked at me. "We will find her, don't worry" I a reassure him. He turned to me and nodded then headed down the hall. 'We can't be splitting up anymore!" I tell myself running after him. While walking we saw something, it looked like a person. "E-Emi?!" I call and the person turned to us. "Akira! Eiko!" we heard her voice as she was joined by Reika. "You two are alright!" Eiko smiled happily. "Yes...but Emi is hurt really bad!" Reika whined. "What happened?!" I gasp seeing that her left arm was full of blood.

"A teachers post fell on my arm and broke it, not to mention I lost my paper scrap" Emi explained. "We will look for it, but right now we have to look for Yuka" Eiko said. I felt my heart sink, I liked Eiko but it was obvious he liked Yuka. "Yes, let's continue" I smiled putting a hand on his shoulder which made him grin at me. We continued and I mostly kept an eye on Emi, her arm was in pretty bad shape. As we were walking the floor began to shake. "Ah! Ouch!" Emi cried as she fell and landed on her arm. Reika ran to her side and helped her up. Before Emi could get up a piece of the ceiling fell on her and took her head. "AAAAAAAAHHHH!" Reika screamed loudly. "No!!!! Emi!!!" I cried feeling my knees give out. "Come on!" Eiko called grabbing us and running.

The floor was collapsing right under or feet but we ran. "Eek!" Reika gasped grabbing onto the floor to hold her up from falling into the hole. "Help me! Please!" she cried for help. I turned and pulled her up. The floor stopped quaking and everyone was worn out. "E-Emi...." Reika whimpered. Reika was Emi's older sister, I felt bad for her. "I can't believe this is really happening!" she whined. "We will make it out...don't worry" I reassure her. Eiko sat by her and hugged her as she cried on his shoulder. "We have to go, before anyone else gets hurt" Eiko said pulling away and getting up. "Let's go Reika" I coaxed her as we ran down the halls. "Yuka!" Eiko called as we echoed after. "I am tired," Reika complained. "Yes, me to...can't we stop?" I asked Eiko. "Sure..."he sighed as we all sat against a wall. He sat in the middle as me and Reika layed on his shoulders.

Yuka's p.o.v

I woke up in a room, I wiggled and tried to get up. As I did I fell to the ground, why was I so dizzy? "O-oniiiiiichaaaaan!" I cried. "Poor Yuka, Don't you remember? I am your oniichan" laughed a familiar voice. "K-Kizami?" I whimpered. "What is it, Yuka-chan?" he asked getting up and pushing me to the chair. "Let me go!" I whined. "Now, I don't ever want to lose you again" He cackled before tying me to the chair. He grabbed a knife and waved it in my face. "I wonder what screams you will make" he smiled turning to me. "Stop! Oniichan!" I call. 'Oh right...big brother wasn't here' I told myself in my head. I was taken from my thoughts as Kizami grabbed my neck. "Hahahahahhaha!" he laughed.

(Hey, I was wondering if any of you readers had an idea that wanted to be put in the book! so I am taking requests I will do the first one that comments, and then more after but one at a time haha. So I hope you guys have good ideas and I will be sure to use them!)

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