-Chapter 10

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As I walk through the door, I collapse onto the couch. Today was a tiring day.

After waiting half an hour for an appointment with a real estate agent, they told me it would take about a year to sell my house.

“That’s not good enough” I said to the agent. Surely they could sell my house a bit quicker than that? I’ve already waited five years to see Anthony regularly again. I can’t wait another year!

 I’ve also booked an appointment with a therapist for Monday. I’m ready to give up this game I’ve had with my head. The first step was admitting I had a problem; the second is seeking professional help.

As it was getting late, I decided to go to bar down town and have a drink. I don’t like the taste of alcohol very much, but I was parched from walking around town all day.

I don’t know if it’s the alcohol, but I get a headache. As I’m getting the painkillers from on top of the cupboard, I come up with an idea. What if one of my fans wants to buy my house? It would be of some value to them, since I’ve lived here for almost 10 years now. A lot of important moments have happened here, and we’ve also made episodes of Smosh in this very house.

I swallow the pill without any drink to wash it down with. It gets stuck in my throat and the aftertaste is terrible, but I ignore it.

 Despite that it’s getting on 10p.m, I open my drawer and get my camera out. The sooner that I advertise the house, the better.

I look into the camera. “Hi guys.” I slur. “Sorry if I sound a little… Uh, what’s the word? Ummmm. Drunk! Yeah, that’s it.” As I try and sit down, I miss the couch completely and fall onto my ass. “OUCH, MY ASS!” I shout. I’m drunker than I thought

How could I let this happen? I only had one drink, and it’s made me like this? What?

I pick the camera which is on the floor. “Are you okay?” I ask the camera. “Shh, daddy’s got ya.”

I point the camera at my face once more. “Anyway, I’d thought I’d tell you guys something. I’ve moving away from Sacramento to L.A to be closer to Anthony. The Smosh house is going up for sale. There haven’t been any buyers as of late, but I thought of you guys because who knows? One of you may be interested in buying it.”

I turn the camera off. I quickly upload the video to YouTube and put it on my twitter, and then head off to bed. I’ve got an appointment with a Dr. Angelo tomorrow, and I don’t want to be yawning throughout it.

I set my alarm on my phone to 10.am. I fall asleep not long after. I don’t know if I’m getting better or not, but I didn’t have the nightmare (for once). I actually get a full night’s sleep.

Ian's Insanity (Ianthony)Where stories live. Discover now