Chapter 19

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She used her knowlegde in judo to free herself from him. She was not a black belter for no reason.

She didn't do anything a while ago because all along she wanted to be with him, hear his words and fulfill her little desire to be wrap in his arms. But now, after what he confessed all she wanted to do was wrap him with her love.

But I still need to confirm if what he said were all true.

She strangled his neck from the back.

"Are you kidding me? Don't you dare lie to me or else this will be the last time you'll wake up!"

He choked but he never struggled away from her.

"No. Why would I lie to you?" He coughed.

"I don't know! But I won't easily believe everything you say." She tightened her grip.

"Damn, wife. Are you really trying to kill your husband? I know I'm a jerk sometimes but you don't have to kill me."

"I will if he is lying to me."

"I'm telling the truth! You can even ask your friends." He reasoned like a child.

She lightly loosened her grip.

"What does it got to do with my friends?"

"Because they knew a long time ago."

She paused before realizing something.

"At the coffee shop." She stated.

"Yes. It was that time. They harshly disagreed for me to marry you without any sufficient reason. They threatened me that no matter what happened they would do everything to stop our wedding so I have to tell them my deepest secret. My love and obssession for you. Your friends are scary." He chuckled. "They would kill for you. They were not afraid eventhough they knew how powerful and ruthless I can be. Last night, they threatened me again, they would keep you away from me for the rest of my life if I hurt you again."

She now let go of his neck and then she slowly wrapped it in a hug and brought his body closer to her. She laid his body on her. She felt him relieved a sigh.

"And you believed them?"

He turned to her and laid his head on her tummy. She was leaning now on the pillow.

"How can I not? A husband is a slave of his wife. What do you think will happen if a wife suddenly disappears? What would happen to her husband?"

She thought for a while.

"Hmm. The husband will look for another wife?"

He glared at her and she giggled.

"I'm just kidding. Don't look at me like that." He looked at her with eyes full of pain and vulnerability. And her heart ache for him. This strong man is ready to lay down his sword and armor to bow to her.

He then looked lost.

"I, I know I'm not perfect. I had made a lot of mistakes in the past but, but I can be the best man for you. I'm willing to change everything in me that you don't like. Just tell me what I have to do for you to accept me and stay with me for the rest of our life. I will do my best to make you fall in love with me and if you can't love me now, I can wait a lifetime. Wife, just, just tell me." He begged like a child.

"What if I fall in love with another man? Would you let me go?" She asked.

His eyes dimmed. "I'm sorry but that's the only thing I can't give to you. Ask anything but don't ask for me to let you go. I'd rather perish than see you with another man. I can't bear it, I really just can't. I-I'm sorry."

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