Chapter 11

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Logan stood there against the wall while you looked at him with anger. "Why did you follow me?" "Laura is sad without you (n), you need to talk to her." "I can't. I don't know how she'll take it. For all we know she might hate me." Logan walked over and put his hand in your shoulder. "She won't, besides you got me to protect you." You chuckled at this. "Remember who kicked your ass." You both had a laugh and walked off towards the hotel Logan stayed at.


You reached the hotel and checked in but Logan started walking away. "Where are you going?" "To the bar, I didn't finish my drink." He left you to see your girlfriend who you haven't seen in month's, alone. You walked to the room and stopped infront of the door. You had knocked twice on the door, you heard shuffling inside and the door opened to show Laura.

Laura pov

I was laying in bed because Logan told me to stay. After an hour I heard a knock on the door, when I answered it I saw the person I was looking for. "Hey Laura." I slapped him as hard as I could causing him to fall back.

First person pov

"Hey Laura." I knew how she would react but I didn't expect her to slap the shit out of me. "Ow, I deserved that." "Where were you! Do you know how long you left me worrying for months." I looked down ashamed, I didn't want her to worry or to look for me. She kept ranting and cursing me so I silenced her with a kiss. " I'm sorry, I didn't want this but it happened, will you forgive me?" After I said that I heard silent sobbing and held her as long as I needed to. After awhile she let go of me and wiped her tears away. "I forgive you, but your gonna make it up to me later~."

A/N:This shitty chapter was to reunite you and Laura also should I make a lemon later on?

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