"ShUT UP!!!" "MAkE mE!1!1!1!!111!"

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Your short friend's lit band is practicing at his house. It's pretty lit, except for the fact that his boy toy is the lead singer.

Gerard's not bad at singing, he's amazing, but he's annoying and you both hate each other. It's a total stereotype, but you both annoy the living shit out of each other.

"JUsT MaKe OuT aLrEaDY!1!1!11!!!1!" Your friends ALWAYS say that, just to annoy you.

Right now, they're playing some song that Gerard wrote. With that red hair, he's kind of looking like a snack. No, not a snack. He's a three course meal with PLENTY of leftovers. 


Did you just think he was hot?

What the fuck???

 n o

You are NOT going to fall for a Ronald McDonald Wannabe. 



n o t


"Okay, y/n, what'd you think?" Frank asks.

"Wait what?" You ask.

"Of the guitar riff? I like it, but we're all kind of torn on playing it, so we need your opinion." He says, shrugging.

"D-do you think you can play it again? I, um, I got distracted." 

"Okay." He says, sounding slightly annoyed. You feel kind of bad.

They play the part of the song again, and it's a bit strange, but pretty great.

"It's different...." You say.

"I knew I should've left it out." Ray says, sounding frustrated.

"Hold on, it's different, and I love it. You guys should totally keep it." You say, thinking about how you can add to the song.

"Why are you always zoning out?" Gerard asks, annoyed.

"No idea." You shrug.

"How high are you?"

"5'9." (Lol sorry short people) 

"Oh my god." He says, and you laugh.

"You are so unoriginal, holy shit. You've stolen literally every joke from some meme. What ELSE are you gonna steal, you thot?"

"Your bitch." You say, shrugging. 

"You know that we broke up a month ago....you don't need to keep bringing that up..." He must still be hurt from his ex. They got in angsty argument, and ended up breaking it off.

"You think about her too much. It's only gonna get you hurt if you hang on for too long."

"Yeah, like I don't see YOU crying over male celebrities in their middle ages who don't even know you exist."

"It's not my fault that my idols were born in the same generation as my fucking parents." You sulk.

"Besides, I know that they'll never be mine, and I've accepted that. You need to let her go, okay. She's like a bandaid that you're trying to rip off slowly. It's better to do it all at once. Yeah, it may leave a little sting, but in the end, it's better for you."

"Are.....you trying to be my therapist or something????" He asks, a bit surprised by your simile.

"No, I'm just tired of you bitching about it all the time."

"Okay well, you're CONSTANTLY bitching about 'Oh My GoD i WiSh JoE tRoHmAn WaSn'T tHiRtY-tHrEe YeArS oLd BeCaUsE hE's So HoT!1!!!!11!11!!' Like, we get it, you're into dilfs." 

"Oh my god, stop attacking me. It's not my fault that I love tattoos and his hair, and the fact that he likes dogs, and other things. He is my IDOL, and I will stab you in the large intestine with a pencil if you don't shut up." You're finna wreck his ass for talking shit about Joe Trohman.

Knowing where this is going, Gerard interrupts you before you go on a three hour rant on how underrated Joe is.

"ShUT UP!!!!!" Getting an idea, you respond with the most fan fiction-like answer you can think of.

"Make me."

He pins you against a wall and keeps his hand there, while reaching for something in his pocket. 

"OhHhhhHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!" The band members yell, knowing what will happen next.

Before you know, he shoves something in your mouth. It tastes like chocolate.

"Here y/n, have a snickers. You're not you when you're hungry." 

He walks over to the couch, reading a text, and you take a bite of the candy since you're hungry.

"Careful y/n, it might be poisoned!!!" Mikey yells.

"Well, I wanna die anyway, so it's a win if it is."

"Fair enough." He shrugs, and you eat the rest of the candy bar.

Sadly, death doesn't greet you, and you decide to leave.

It is then, when a stranger throws a single napkin at you, killing you instantly.

the end

Lol sorry for the shit posting, i just had to.

Gerard Way Imagines (And Maybe Other Peeps) PERMANENTLY DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now