Oof Why???

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Being the drummer of My Chemical Romance is wonderful!!!!! Except when you get your period on a bus full of four guys.

"What the actual fuck?????" You litter to yourself, trying not to wake anyone up. Your sheets are stained and another pair of underwear is ruined.

You strip them off to wash them. You grab a better pair of pj pants and rush into the bathroom, and it is then that you realize: you do not have any pads, or tampons.

"Shit, someone kill me right now." You say, getting ready to kill someone.

"That's not a good idea. You're everyone's favorite member." Gerard walks up to you.

"I highly doubt that, but okay. Why are you up???" You ask, annoyed.

"Why are your sheets off of the bed??" He asks.

"You see Gerard, every month, anyone with a uterus goes through a monthly cycle called menstr-"

"I know what that is. Are you okay????"  He asks.

"Well considering the fact that I'm out of everything to take care of that because of unfair packing? I'm not o-fucking-kay." You say, annoyed.

"God, I forget how moody you can get." He mutters.

"Excuse me?" You ask.

"It's not to do with the period. You just tend to be moody in general." He shrugs. If you didn't have the biggest crush on him in the history of ever, you would kill him. But he's Gerard Way, so he gets a pass.

"My mood swings are so intense that you fly. Anyway, can you help me out???"

"Yeah, I'm guessing you want me to head to the store?"

"Precisely. That's okay with you, right??" You're pretty nervous and you don't know why. Maybe it's because the guy you're in love with is getting pads for you at 6 in the morning.

"Yeah, that's okay. It's a completely natural thing. Want some candy??"

"Maybe a snickers will save me." You say, laughing a little bit.

"Alright, see ya, y/n!!" He says, exiting the bus in his pjs with socks and sandals on. It's a fashion mistake, but he makes it work.

You sigh, wondering why Gerard's so perfect.

"He totally likes you. Why don't you just ask him out?" A male voice says.

"Mikey, why are you here?"

"I was taking a piss. Now, I know that you're totally in love wi-"

"Not so loud. Frank would totally make fun of me....." You say, shushing the other Way brother.

"Got it. Now let me tell you something. Gerard is totally in love with you. Remember that time he let you have the rest of the coffee???"

"He was just being nice." You shrug.

"He loves coffee more than he loves himself, y/n. He totally loves you."

"I know, but we're good friends. He probably just felt bad for me since I was so tired."

"Okay well, explain him flirting with you on stage and in interviews."

"He's just building up fuel for a ship. Besides, I'm incapable of being loved."

"Okay well, he literally hasn't even kissed Frank on stage anymore. He told me that he loves you."

"That's a little rude to rat out your bro."

"He ate my fucking poptarts. He's lucky that I didn't kill him. Come on, just ask him out!!! This is like a shitty high school fanfic and I'm tired of it!!!"

"If I kiss him, will you actually smile?"

"Yes. I will be the most smiley person ever because you guys will stop being oblivious hoes."

"Okay fine."

"Hey y/n, I'm back." Gerard says, arms full of bags of sweets.

"Oh my god are those for me???"


"AhhhhHhh I love you so much!!!!! Thank you!!!!!!" You say, hugging him from the side.

"D-don't mention it." You can see him blush.

"Hey, Gerard." Mikey says, smirking.

Oh hell no, he is not telling Gerard right now.

"Yeah Mikes?"

"I ship you guys."

You and Gerard both blush.

"You're worse than the fans."

"Nothing's worse than that one fan. You say, cringing.

"Yeah, that was horrible." Gerard laughs.

"Well, I'm gonna try to fix my um, problem. Don't get into trouble." You say, grabbing the pads and going to the bathroom.

"GeRARD WHY DID YOU EAT MY POPTARTS!???!!!!!" You hear Mikey yell.

"S H I T!!!!"

Gerard Way Imagines (And Maybe Other Peeps) PERMANENTLY DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now