This Doesn't Feel Right

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Y/f/n=your full name

"Hey Gerard?" You ask, wondering if you're the only one awake in this bed. 


"Do you ever feel like something's missing? But you can't piece it?" 

"I don't know. What do you mean?" He asks, sitting up.

"Well," You start, getting up and turning on the lamp. "I just feel like something isn't where it should be. It feels out of place......I feel out of place." 

"Why would you feel out of place?" He asks, sounding curious.

"Listen, stop pretending that you don't know. It's been a year and we've hardly done anything in this relationship. It feels awkward and staged when we kiss or do anything that normal couples do." You say, wanting to tell the truth.

"But you were so happy when we first got toge-"

"When we first did, because I was happy that I wasn't alone. But now, this doesn't feel right. We've both been more distant with each other and it feels like we're forcing this. It's like we're trying to fit two of the wrong puzzle pieces together. We can keep trying, but we know that it will never work out." 


"Gerard, be honest. I've seen you staring at Lindsey. I've seen how she's made you smile. But you've been trying to avoid her because you don't want me to feel bad." You say, remembering the time in the coffee shop and other places.

"I-is this what you want, though? I've fallen for her, but I don't want you getting hurt. I care about you."

"Gerard, this is unbearable. I'd rather you leave because we're not working out. In fact, I've developed feelings for someone else, too. So you're not alone." You say, finally happy that you told him.

"So, you'd be perfectly content with me dating someone else and completely abandoning this one year relationship?" 

"Yes, to be honest, and I'd be happy that you found someone that you can actually feel natural with. This relationship feels like it's scripted....."

"Well, can you at least tell me who you've gotten feelings for?" He asks. There's no sadness in his voice, just curiosity.

"You're gonna hate me for this." You say, laughing.

"Just tell me!!! I want you to be happy, too!!!!"

"Mikey." You admit.

"I fucking knew it!!" He says, slapping his thigh.

"Well, I guess you can say. That I was going the Wrong Way."

"Nevermind, I don't want you to be happy anymore. I hope you perish for that shitty joke." He says in a voice that sounds so done with everything.

"So, we're still friends and everything, right?"

"Yeah, we're cool. You go after my hot brother and I'll go for your hot friend." 

"Alright, wanna watch a movie or some shit?? I'm too awake to sleep..."

"Let's blast our awesome bands and play mario kart!!!!" He says, running into the living room.

"I'M GONNA WIN BY THE WAY!!!!" You yell, chasing after him.





"Y/f/n, will you make me the happiest man in the world and marry me?" 

"OH MY gOD YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You yell in front of the entire restaurant.

Mikey slips the ring on and gets up, spinning you around in a hug.

"This wasn't cliché, right?"

"It kinda does, but since you're Mikey Way, I'll give you a pass." You say, laughing.

"And soon you'll be Y/n Way." 

"I always thought I'd be Y/n Way, just not like this."

"HeY Y/N YOU'RE MATCHING WITH LInDSEY NOW!!!!!" Frank yells, putting down the camera. 

"TwINZIES!!!!!" Lindsey yells, running up to you and hugging you.

"That is the only time I will allow someone to say twinzies."

"I'll be your bride's maid, right?" She asks.

"Sorry, but that's going to my dog." You say, not sure whether you're serious or joking.

"Y/n, I'm so happy for you!!" Gerard says, hugging you.

"Me too!!! I'm already planning the wedding, and Fall Out Boy's gonna play!! They HAVE to."

"Just don't let your fangirling get in the way of us getting married." Mikey says, hugging you from behind.

"I'll try not to." You say, and the good vibes make everyone cry. 

Lol the smuts coming (hahaha) I'm just not in the mood to write it. like, you have to have a certain mentality to write that shit.

Gerard Way Imagines (And Maybe Other Peeps) PERMANENTLY DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now