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This imagine is brought to you by that one video of Fall Out Boy vs the huge ass spider. Please enjoy.

Being the drummer of My Chemical Romance, you'll deal with a lot of strange things. Being the opposite sex on a bus with four guys who are attracted to the opposite sex, things are strange. But you wouldn't trade it for the world. You love your band so much, and everyone is so unique.

You all have strengths and weaknesses. This is the story of one of your biggest weaknesses, and the rest of the band laughing at your expense:

It is May 7, 2007, and you've just arrived. Currently, you're moving some things to the dressing room, and you've just checked in at the hotel.

Everyone's just kind of chilling, since the show's in about 3 hours.

"Hey y/n!"

"Yeah, Frank?"

"I'm bored. When's Gerard gonna be back?????"

"Pretty soon. I wanted some books and since he was going to get some stuff, he offered. Just wait for him to come back." You say, shrugging.

"Okay but, there's nothing to do!!!! There is NO service in here!!!"

"You're not getting the wifi pa-"

"I'm back!!! Sorry for the holdup, some 13 year old was trying to kiss me." Gerard says, holding some bags.

"Did you get my art books?"

"Yeah, I got them. Now draw, and stop nagging at me. How do you go through sO MANY SKETCHBOOKS?????" Gerard asks, throwing you three sketchbooks.

"When you're on a bus and you can't fap, you can draw instead."

"Did we seriously need to know that???" Frank asks.

"I was joking, Frank. I'm just practicing drawing things. Calm your tits."

"Okay so what can we do to cure our boredom? I know that y/n's gonna run out of things to draw."

"Let's just fucking vlog or some shit. Our fans probably want some content." You say.

"Good idea. Where's Mikey and Ray?" Frank asks.

"Helping out on stage. I thought you knew that." You reply.

"I wasn't paying attention. Let's just do this before I blow my brains out. I'll grab the camera since it's next to me." Frank grabs the camera and hits record.

"What's up, we're bored with nothing to do, so we're just gonna fuckin record something. I'm the suicidal drummer, that's the sassy lead singer, and Frank's holding the camera for some fucking reason." You say, hoping that this can actually be posted somewhere.

"So today, we're going to be revealing y/n's darkest secret. She actua-" You interrupt Gerard.

"Today we're going to be-"

"HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!!!" Frank yells.

"Dude what's w-OH MY GOD!!!!!" You notice the huge, terrifying, deadly, spider on the wall.

"Guys chill, it's just a spider. He won't hurt us." Gerard says, putting an arm on your shoulder.

"GeRARD SAVE ME!!!! PLEASE!!!! ITS GONNA EAT MY FACE!!!!!" You screech some more.

"Y/n, you'll be oka-" The scary ass bitch looks at you menacingly.


"Y/n cALM YOUR TITS!!!!" Frank yells.

"ThESE TITTIES CAN NOT BE CALMED!!!!" You yell, scared.

You pull your hand gun out of your bra.

"Y/n, that is a HUGE safety hazard." Gerard says, surprised.

"I'm GETTING THIS SPIDER FUCKER!!!!" You aim at the wall, hoping to kill the spider bitch.



"I WILL GET RID OF IT WITHOUT SHOOTING ANYTHING!!!! YOU JUST- YOU CAN JUST DO WHATEVER, I'LL HANDLE IT!!!!" He yells, then calms down to grab a cup and some paper.

You back away while Gerard attempts to get it. When he finally does, it jumps against the paper, trying to be free.

"You sure are a feisty one, aren't you?" He says to the spider, holding the paper down.

"Kill it." Frank says.

"Yeah, kILL IT!!!!" You yell, wishing death on all spiders.

"Guys, I'm not killing it. I'm putting it outside where it can fuck off." He says, and you and Frank follow him out of curiosity.

"Okay, we're outside. Let's get rid of this little guy." Gerard says, completely calm.

"Gerard, he's bigger than my wish for death......." You say.

"Well, you're not dead, so it can't be that big."

"I hate you......"

"Says the one who reads fanfi-"

"Shut the fuck up, Frank."  You interrupt him.

"Look, he's free." Gerard says, and you look at the spider, who crawls away from you.

"That's right you little bitch you better run away." You say to it.

"See? He's more afraid of you than you are of it." Gerard says, putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Y-yeah, I guess he is." You say, blushing at the sudden contact.


You kick Frank in the dick, and take the camera so people can laugh at him.

"Why are you like this???" He asks you.

"I dunno." You say, and you and Gerard walk away.

"Should we help him?" He asks you.

"He's Frank Iero, he'll be okay." You shrug, and you both abandon the midget.

Gerard Way Imagines (And Maybe Other Peeps) PERMANENTLY DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now