Chapter 4

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"Midoriya why did you go with the villains anyway?" 13 asks "because if I didn't they would've killed my mother" he says looking down "the thing is you know how I said I remember everything I did- well I remember the name I gave myself aswell every hero was after me and walked past me daily" he adds looking up at 13 he looks at all his friends "you were saving your mum that's heroic plus they proved to us that you had no way of controlling yourself, yes it may take us a while to trust you again but your still the Deku we all know" Uraraka cheerfully says Midoriya scoffs at her comment and turns around and walks away from them "what were you told to do when you were walking towards us with the knife" kirishima yells out.

"kill you all, and trust me when I say this you wouldn't be able to stop me even with all might there I know how much power the league has not only that I know both all for one and all mights biggest weakness, fuck even my 500th mission was meant to be killing him instead it was saving kacchan from the stupid sludge... I got in so much trouble for getting noticed by people damn it...the pain I put all those people in" Midoriya's eyes suddenly start to sparkle as he talks about putting people in pain.

"How many people have you hurt" 13 asks "you know the villain named shirigaki? Yeah I'm him" he bluntly says his eyes still showing craziness from before "you keep saying how you hate putting people through that pain then your eyes sparkle like it was your best work" kacchan yells at him Midoriya laughs but it was different it wasn't innocent but it wasn't a maniac laugh either it was both going from maniac to innocent laugh "like you always say kacchan i would always be better useless" he says smiling his eyes wide open and his pupil small "I'm more crazy then I seem" Midoriya laughs.

He sees a flash of blue in his eyes and he falls to the floor blacked out ilda, bakugo, Uraraka and 13 run up to him he's mumbling things in his sleep "'s" in broken words they just understand what he's saying "leave......leave.....leave.... I'm no longer...... a your power" he fighting something off ilda try's to wake him up "stop he's fighting his evil off he needs this" 13 yells at ilda him just nodding.

"One for all.... might will win for all.......we don't need your hand outs...... fuck you all for one!" he continued on stopping and going like he's having a conversation "All for one?" Uraraka asks the whole class surrounded him listening in Midoriya is silent for a while just tossing in his sleep "I' longer you.....your serpent....augh....I'" he suddenly screams like he's in pain he jumps up waking looking around everywhere he starts muttering "I'm not a serpent...I'm.... no" he goes on and on all might comes in his true form with Naomasa all might gets the class to get out of the way and he goes up to Midoriya all might puts his hand on his shoulder "Midoriya my boy it's okay come with me" All might says the boy on the ground just nods and stands up.

They start walking and Naomasa puts a hand on midoriya's back suddenly his head jolts up from looking down and he jumps in front of all might.


He koughs up blood and blood drips down from his stomach "Horrible..shot..." he trails off as he collapsed to the floor from loss of blood a heroic smile on his face as he lays on the ground all might picks him up "I'm taking him to recovery girl see you at the school" he says turning to his tough form and running off to UA "wait that was all might?!" Mineta says totally forgetting the fact Midoriya just got shot "so what that's all might? Deku just got shot!" Uraraka says her usual cheerful bubbly aura hadn't been the same for a while but that was the same for everyone.


(Time skip one day, everyone is at school waiting for Deku to wake up)

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