Chapter 6

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"deku?" she quietly asks confused suddenly izuku falls to the floor holding his head, "izuku!?" she yells loudly. Suddenly a guy comes out of nowhere "who are you?" uraraka asks going in front of Izuku "now, now dear uraraka calm down theres no need for you right now" the man says "what do yo-" uraraka is frozen in place stopped in time "you stopped her why?" izuku asks "she's unneeded right now, i need your help with something" the man says "depends on what it is you need me to do" izuku states the man takes off his cloves and a brief case appears in his hands "now here's whats gonna happen izuku, your gonna go kill who i want you to and your little girlfriend and the rest of everyone you care about won't mysteriously die or disappear.." the man grins mysteriously "now when did i say to you i wouldn't help you...i may have said it to the hero's but they believe what they want to" izuku's face shows craziness the man grins wildly "good boy, heres your new villain suit, and whats your new villain name?" Izuku thinks hard.

His face lights up "dead soul, it'll miss lead them with what my quirk is!" the man nods and sits the brief case down on the ground and disappears uraraka takes a breathe in and takes a step forward, izuku is down on the ground and opening the case "izuku, why?" uraraka cry's falling onto her knees next to him "listen to me you won't tell anybody about this, NO ONE!, or else you and everyone else you and i know will die in a matter of seconds of us telling someone" he says to her "then let me help you!" she exclaims "no" he looks her dead in the eye they were cold "if you don't let me i'll have to go tell someone!"she gets up starting to walk izuku grabs her pulling her down and sitting on her lap on the floor "listen you don't want in, it's.... disgusting" she puffs her cheeks "raven, then it'll confuse them of who i am" izuku grins.

"fine, i give up, but don't throw up on me after it" he says getting off of her and helping her up. another brief case apears with a bunch of photos and a letter

'happy you accepted her ;)'

was on the letter Izuku scoffs and opens both brief cases, inside one was a black leather easy moving suit with a hoodie and little pockets on the butt and top part of the suit, at the bottem of the case was a purple beanie "when did i say i liked purple?" she scoffs "its the only girly colour that can dark enough for you to hide and not be seen" Izuku says looking down at his things. Izuku had the same as uraraka but in green.

there was a needle with some syrim in izuku's case he grins and then looks up at uraraka "well so we know you will stay with us you need to take this syrim... are you sure, it's going to hurt.... it'll give you... more quirks... and put tracking liquid in you, it disappears within a year and they stop tracking you." he slowly says she nods "deku, i'll be fine, i wanna be with you and help... and think of it this is the least time they would think we would join them due to what happened." she smiles.

Izuku kisses her and she kisses back she screams into it a bit when Izuku jams the needle into her neck and quickly takes it out he stops kissing her and she falls onto his lamp he has a tear fall out of one of his eyes.


it's been a whole night and its now 6:00am during the night Izuku moved uraraka on to the bed and hugged her as he knows she can't handle needles and the pain she was in. uraraka wakes up and sits up her eyes are black "raven? you okay" Izuku asks uraraka nods "now you need to act like uraraka while were at school can you do that?" Izuku's eyes change from dark green to a light green and uraraka's eyes change back to her normal brown eyes "deku?"

"uraraka, they let you change back!" Izuku exclaims happily hugging her tightly "what do you mean?" she asks confused "the stuff i put into you makes you someone else you remember everything but your not the same person" Izuku smirks wildly "IZUKU, URARAKA BREAKFAST!" his mother yells from downstairs "COMING!" Izuku yells.

"i'll explain on the way to school"

"but they said for you to stay home" uraraka look up at him standing up

"oh i ain't staying home thats to boring" he sarcastically says walking down stairs with uraraka his mother smiles at them "you got some sleep right? you got school" the two teens laugh and nod.


while they walk to school Izuku explains everything to uraraka about the villains and how she needs to control the mind control, Izuku can hear ilda running to them "ilda's coming" he states shutting up.

"hello, Uraraka, Izuku— aren't you meant to miss a few days?" ilda asks Izuku, he sighs "yeah, thats not happening i may have been a villain but it doesn't change what i really want to be" he says staring forward smirking.

"she loves him that much that she'll come with us to help him?"

"yes, now go tell Izuku!"

"how he has school?"

"good point, tell him through the computer"

"but that hurts him they might get suspicious"

"he'll come up with something now do it during his lunch"

Izuku sighs and looks down "you okay deku" uraraka looks at him concerned "i keep hearing them talking...they want to tell me something get me get ready for me to suddenly be in pain anytime today" they both nod uraraka grabs his hand and squeezes it and lets go say 'it won't hurt to much will it' deke smiles weakly at her "deku!" she complains "i'll be fine! trust me i just have a huge headache after" uraraka and ilda sigh "i'm used to it don't worry" ilda looks at him concerned

"remember how i got shot and forgot about it, i'll just find a way to get kacchan get mad and ill go insane and then bam i won't notice the pain!" he says smiling.

when they get to the gates Aizawa comes up to Izuku "i'm not missing any school by the way i'll be annoying kacchan today so i will go insane and wont feel pain of the villains trying to talk to me, i will tell you more after school" Izuku hurriedly says walking off "i tried to make him stay home he wouldn't!" uraraka explains Aizawa just nods and sighs "fine Midoriya, but you better tell us everything!" he yells out.

Izuku turns around and salutes, turning back around walking into the school "what was with that?" kaminari asks "its the real Izuku... the one we never got to see..." uraraka states running into the school.

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