Chapter 11

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Izuku trudges home his bag on his back and regret filling him he has memories flying into his mind he doesn't want there and things he's done recently... the missions there send him on without letting uraraka knows is filling him... he doesn't feel Quilty though... he doesn't know what he feels.

(Time skip 12:00am)

Izuku flys up screaming in his bed, sweat covering every bone in his body and his eyes a bright innocent green he could have sworn he didn't feel any sort of power in him... like his quirk disappeared but then his mother rushed in the door and everything he felt earlier that day and his power flooded back into him.

"IZU!!! WHATS WRONG ARE YOU OKAY??!!" His mother yells hugging him and checking his temperature "I'm okay..." he says quietly. He's absolutely exhausted but can't sleep.. not after what he just saw.

"I'm gonna go for a run.." he says quietly running out of the house leaving his mother who is in histerics hoping he'll come back. This often happened before he met all might, and he wouldn't come back for at the least 2 days.

He ran, ran without stop his lungs burning from the sudden change of doing somethings. His legs, 'I'll kill you slowly... taking away your legs, then your arms, and slowly cut you open and take your heart' the face he saw grinning ear to ear looking crazy.

It was him... what he had become. He did that just before he went to bed. And just for fun cause he wanted to.. he was going to get in so much shit for doing it but he wanted to.

Honestly he didn't really do it slowly I mean it only took him 2 hours to kill the guy it usually took him a whole 2 days to kill guys like that.. he went over board.

Izuku catches himself think of this and starts running faster like he was running from someone. He was running from someone but not who most people would think. He was running from himself.

It's now 1:00am he has been running for about an hour and finds himself at the villain league he sighs walking in kurogiri knowing already that he had to get Izuku a drink. To be quite frank everyone was scared of him, not only is he the son of the most dangerous person in the world but he also has no idea how to control himself... that and him being the only quirkless.. let's change that only PERSON to have survived the experiments and get more quirks.

Izuku was a force to be scared of that most people didn't know yet. The whole league knew he had a split personality but they didn't know how to tell them apart.

Izuku is scared, sweet, smart. But that izuku before changed from being scared to... feeling nothing

Then there's jack he was straight up menacing, he was full on scary...

But the most scary thing is... that izuku HAD turned into jack and jack is just someone that takes izuku over because why not... izuku lets him cause he doesn't feel like acting sweet... Izuku is the that can act... makes himself the old him. That's one thing they noticed since he got a handle of himself.


Izuku is pissed drunk now slurring his words and going from absolutely scary to completely adorable. The villains had given up trying to help him and teleported him to his classroom a few students were already there and ran over in a fighting stance.

"Don't worry I'm not here to fight just bring him back... he's to.... anyway here he's all yours" kurogiri says disappearing.

"Hehehe haiiiii (hiccups) kirishima (hiccups)" he slurs his words not that he didn't notice anyone else there but he was the first on in his vision. Izuku is so drunk he is unable to stand. "I go bye- byes now-" He says laying his head down and curling in a comfortable position. The guys there have no idea what to do.

"IZUU! I'm so prou-" blood drips from his girlfriends stomach as she coughs up blood and falls to the ground izuku smiles widely at his work and leaves quickly from the sight. 'Still No regrets? Of course not... people are a burden' he thinks.

Izuku jolts up from laying down on the floor looking around at everyone surrounding him and seeing uraraka and quickly hugging her "I would never... never... never h-hurt you" He mumbles quietly into her shoulder. She's struck by that, surprise washing over her... 'what did you see' she asks in her head. She actually didn't know whenever she tried to get in to his head she would get a huge headache.

"OI DIP-SHIT YOU HAD THEM ALL WORRIED!" Katsuki yells at him right in his ear "BAKUGOU, Don't! He would have a headache after what happened" kirishima says pulling the ash blonde make to the other side of the classroom "midoriya! What happened?" Aizawa asks sounding bored he slowly let's go of uraraka to look at her quickly.

His eyes a bright innocent green... like he's scared... he's never felt like he was scared since what happened and she knew that. "I-I-izuk-k-ku?" She stutters knowing those scared eyes are 100% real scaring her even more.

He noticed this and looks up at Aizawa make him surprised about whats happening. The tension in the room is so thick you could cat it with a knife and it's just because of uraraka and izuku feeling scared "I-I saw something" izuku blurted out...and it shouldn't of happened. "What did you see?" Aizawa asks, uraraka gasps as she hears his thoughts 'I killed someone for fun...h-help' she looks at him scared.

He notices this and curls into a ball "I didn't mean to I p-p-promise! (Hiccup)" He says looking at uraraka getting surprised at the fact he actually hiccupped "HOW DO YOU ACCIDENTALLY DO THAT!" Uraraka yells at him he just looks away knowing this isn't the worst. He's going to get into shit for doing that and he actually can't think of a way out.

She takes a breathe and stares at him waiting for him to answer there teacher he looks back at Aizawa with his now normal bored face, he then looks down just noticing he actually does have a headache.

"Midoriya I would advise you to answer Aizawa-sensei!" Ilda exclaimed wailing his arms around. That dream scared him so much not only because it just happened but because some of his dreams actually do happen.. he comes up with an idea he's figured out how to make sure uraraka isn't listening to his thoughts so she has no idea what he's thinking.

He jolts up his face showing confusion as he looks around at his peers. He puts his hand to his head in pain "ow...what happened?" He asks letting uraraka listen to questions he thinks of. Uraraka may be his partner in crime..literally. But he still doesn't trust her due to her being well... her.


GUYS I ACTUALLY UPDATED!!! I'm going to TRY update more but I have work and school to do so I'll see what happens btw HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL THE MOTHERS!!!

K bye-bye

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