Autumn/Fall Contest 2017: Winners

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(This post was originally hosted on the account of MMHunter as part of the Fire Emblem Writing Contests.)


The results are in! What a month it's been. I've read about a lot of death, pumpkin tea, dancing ghosts, stargazing, autumn balls, cornfield races, and families. And a lot of -- oh, I just mentioned the death. Well, so many of you broke my heart that I should mention it again. There was a lot of death.

I enjoyed reading all twelve entries more than I know how to express -- and yes, I did just say twelve. There were twelve entries. And there can only be three winners. It took me days of looking over my judging comments and rereading entries to decide who those three were going to be. Every time I picked my three, I was screaming inside because there were several others I also really wanted to reward. So for the love of God, please enter the next contest in January for another chance at winning if you didn't this time.

In order of when they submitted their entries, the winners are:

MysticalTactician with "Family" in "Fire Emblem One-Shot Collection": I love this entry because it's so cute and jam-packed with the season and prompt! I felt very snuggly and autumny while I was reading it, and it's filled with the sweetest romance. This is a one-shot to curl up with.

HazelGatoya with "Dance of Souls" in "Dance of Souls": I love this entry because it took my breath away. Every single character who makes an appearance has a piece of the story to tell -- they're much more than side characters to revolve around Leo. I wish I could have been there to see this story for real, but it's written so well that I had no problem seeing it vividly in my mind. This is a one-shot to define the word "cinematic".

kimcgray95 with "Cornfield Horror" in "Videogame One-shots": I love this entry because I was hooked right from the start and kept amused throughout. The characterisation is absolutely amazing, to the point where the dialogue could have easily come from the character's creators. This is a one-shot for days when you need to put a smile on your face.

Congratulations! I'll email your winner's stickers to you once you've given me a sign (like voting, commenting, or messaging me) that you've read this chapter, because I don't want you to be confused about a random sticker appearing in your inbox with no explanation.

And congratulations to everyone who entered! I really hope you go and read the winner's entries and enjoy them as much as I did. Those who didn't win this time really had it within their reach -- and I'm not just saying that -- so I do hope you'll all come back again for the next contest in January. I had an absolute ball judging this one and I can't wait to see what you pull out the bag next time! I'm resolved that I'll be running these until I'm old and grey because they're too much fun. ;)


Morgan xxx

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