Autumn/Fall Contest 2019: CLOSED

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I am sorry to say that this is the final Fire Emblem Promptest.

It saddens me to make this decision, but my life has changed significantly since I started running these contests, and I am now finding it extremely difficult to keep all my balls in the air.  When these contests began, I was having a gap year. Now I'm working full-time, living between two houses, and struggling to manage a few health problems. This isn't a sob story -- but it is a list of things that have made my life very different, forever. 

Several things are sliding: personal relations, my sanity (lol)...and my free time. This year, I've struggled just to judge a couple of entries per contest before the deadline. In the long-term, I cannot continue to give your entries the time nor the attention they deserve. (Or, actually, any time or attention at all.)

When I started this two years ago, there was such a positive reaction among the community, so it breaks my heart to now have to close the only Fire Emblem writing contest on Wattpad. We're a very small fanbase, and we don't always come together enough -- but when we do, it's magical. The Fire Emblem Promptests were, briefly, part of that magic. 

This profile will remain. So will this book. If anyone else would like to take over the mammoth task of running these contests, please let me know. It would be lovely if they could continue.

But you don't need these contests to keep writing. When I created them, I hoped they would help to bring people out of a writer's slump, to introduce members of the community to each other, and to bring joy. But you are capable of doing all those things alone. If the Promptests did help you to write sometimes when you were stuck, all you need to do is find a prompt of your own. If they helped you to make more friends, all you have to do is keep reading and exploring. If they were fun...keep doing them yourself!

And if you ever want any help or advice, if you ever want to talk, or if you ever want anything at all...message my account MMHunter. I'll always be there.

In the meantime, we have one more contest to go. Good luck!


PROMPT: Nightmare.

OPENING DATE: 1st September 2019.

CLOSING DATE: 31st October 2019 at 11:59 p.m. GMT.


What happened to the last contest?

There are no results in this book for the Summer Promptest 2019 because, due to the low number of entrants, there were no winners. (Shout-out to AnnaBanana813 and Valu-chan21 for participating!)



Upload your one-shot to an existing book or make a new book for it. Make sure that it has its own chapter.

Optional: add the tag #AlwaysKeepWriting in the tags section of your book to encourage other participants to read it.

Come back to this chapter and leave a comment containing the title of your one-shot and the book it can be found in. You must do this in order to enter.

You will receive a message confirming that you have been entered into the contest, and you will be asked if you would like the Always Keep Writing participation stickers if they have not previously been offered. You will have to reply with your email address in order to receive them. Please do not leave your email address in the comments section of this book.

The contest will close on 31st October at 11:59 p.m. GMT. Happy writing!

Fire Emblem Promptests (Writing Contests)Where stories live. Discover now