Autumn/Fall Contest 2018: CLOSED

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SEASON: Autumn/Fall. (You must have at least one element in your entry that links to this season. This can include the weather, things you associate with this season, the national and international holidays observed during this season, etc.)

PROMPT: Rescue. (This must also be in your one-shot in some way.)

OPENING DATE: 1st September 2018.

CLOSING DATE: 31st October 2018 at 11:59 p.m. GMT.



Upload your one-shot to an existing book or make a new book for it. Make sure it has its own chapter.

Optional: add the tag #AlwaysKeepWriting in the tags section of your book to encourage other participants to read it.

Come back to this chapter and leave a comment containing the title of your one-shot and the book it can be found in.

You will receive a message confirming that you have been entered into the contest, and you will be asked if you would like the Always Keep Writing participation stickers if they have not previously been offered. You will have to reply with your email address in order to receive them. Please do not leave your email address in the comments section of this book.

The contest will close on 31st October at 11:59 p.m. GMT. Happy writing!

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