Autumn/Fall Contest 2018: Winners

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The results are in! This time, I've been reading about haunting memories, unrequited love, dramatic kidnappings, failed rescues, and murder. Every single entry looked at this prompt in a different way, and I really enjoyed reading them all. It was so hard to pick winners.

There are two winners, and those winners are...

HazelGatoya with 'The Worst Enemy'! (Found in 'Comms and Other Long FE Oneshots'.) I love this entry because of its clever use of lyrics, the deep and moving narration and dialogue, and the sweetness among the pain. It's a tale of dark memories, strong loyalties, and being rescued from yourself, and I was enraptured when I read it.

ceilidh-fyre with 'The One He Couldn't Save'! (Found in 'Unchained Melody'.) I love this entry because the descriptions are vivid, the subject is dramatic and profound, and the characterisation is spot on -- it could have been penned by Awakening's scriptwriters. It's also a tale of dark memories, and of encouragement to look at them differently.

Congratulations to you both! I'll email you the sticker prize once you've given me a sign that you've read this chapter.

And congratulations to everyone who entered! It was seriously so hard to choose winners. Be sure to have a look at the comments section for the contest and check out everyone's amazing entries. ;)

One last thing before we finish up: under one name or another, the Fire Emblem Promptests have now been running for one year. I can't remember quite how I got the idea to ask entrants for one-shots inspired heavily by both a season and a prompt, and recently I've been wondering if anyone finds being bound by two things inhibiting. On the one hand, having a season as well as a prompt can really help to inspire...on the other hand, the prompt might give you a great idea that would be better in a different season -- or perhaps a prompt will come along where you don't really want to think about the blatant characterisations of any season.

So, I think we have two options.

A) Things can stay the way they are.

B) The season becomes optional. I set you a prompt and judge your entry on the use of the prompt, creativity, and SPAG only. You can use the current season to inspire you as before, a different season, or none at all.

What do you think? Let me know in time for the Winter 2018/2019 Promptest, which will open on Saturday 1st December!


Morgan xxx

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