Summer Contest 2018: Winner

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The results are in! This time, I've been reading heart-breaking entries about burning people, burning passions, burning environmental temperatures, and burning fevers. My heart has shattered again and again, and it's been so lovely to analyse the amazing writing talent within our Fire Emblem community.

I enjoyed reading every single entry, but I have chosen one winner again this time. And that winner is...

CharaKatana with 'Burn'! (Found in its own book.) I love this entry because it's rich with interesting characters, multiple spins on the prompt, and beautiful tragedy. It's an amazing story that gripped my heart from beginning to end, and it will grip yours, too! This is a one-shot to read if you enjoy seeing vivid, unique imaginations of canon characters' pasts.

Congratulations, CharaKatana! I'll email you the sticker prize once you've given me a sign that you've read this chapter.

And congratulations to everyone who entered! Virtual cookies and tea all around. I hope that I'll see you again next time -- the Autumn/Fall 2018 Promptest will open on Saturday 1st September.


Morgan xxx

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