Chapter Four

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Speechless was an understatement.

Because when I realized how much he trusted, I didn't know how to take that. He hasn't told anyone about this. Not his mom, not Grover, not Annabeth. His therapist. That's it.

It was kind of scary. Having somebody trust you that much. And it was scary for him, too. I could see that.

"Hey," I tried to reassure him, putting my hand on his arm, trying to reassure him right now. "I'm not going to tell anyone about any of this. That's not my place. Being outed sucks. I would know."

"Yeah," Percy agreed. "uh... Thanks, I guess. I didn't think you'd tell anyone, though. That was kind of the point."

Could I have taken advantage of him that night? Use the fact that he was very open and out to me to my advantage? Yes. I could have. But I figured that probably really wasn't into me and he's had a long night. I respected that. So I left his room feeling good about us being friends.

Due to therapy, though, he wasn't at lunch the next say. And I didn't think it would be a big deal. I was still sitting alone. Well, aside Leo.

Leo doesn't care. Let's be honest. He thought it was cool that I didn't have a meltdown last night. Said it was nice that he's not like the only one outside of Will.

Did I mention Percy? Hell no.

Piper, along with the other, marched over, though. And they were mad.

"Y'all need to take a chill pill," Leo noticed it, too. "And relax. What's wrong?"

"What did you do Percy?" Annabeth asked, looking ready to murder me.

"What do you mean what—"

"I mean what the fuck did you do with him, Di Angelo?" For being his ex, she wasn't acting like it. "You're gay ass is staying in his cabin, right? What did you do? Chain him down and rape him? He should be here."

Chiron, Grover, and Mr. D started walking towards us.

"I didn't..." I started off. "Why the hell would I rape him? Or anyone? I'd like to think that I'm at least a partially decent person."

"Well I mean, you slapped him." Piper brought that up and looked at her, ready to slap her.

"Bring it up again, and you're next." I stopped caring what they thought about me at this point. "I think I've learned my fucking lesson after you guys abandoning me, Jason outing me, and my sister disowning me. If Percy can move on, which he has, so can you."

Well now the other three can hear everything.

"So you did rape him?" I don't know where Piper got that from.

"I didn't—"

"Is there a problem here?" Chiron asked us and that's when I knew I was fucked.

I was sent to the Big House with everyone just yelling at me. Piper even had Jason on their side because he knew I liked Percy. Leo was trying to help Grover, Chiron, and Mr. D calm them down.

I was trying to talk, hut they wouldn't let me. Until, you know, Chiron raised his voice so they'd shut up.

"I think it's just best if I leave," I concluded, because that's like the only option I have left. I shrugged. "You guys won't listen to me and you don't seem to trust me anymore, so I think I'll just do what I tried doing a long time ago, and I'll just pack my stuff and go."



When I got back, I headed to my cabin to change into training clothes. And Nico was there. With a packed suitcase.

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