Chapter Thirteen

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His life was sorta a fucking huge mess, but you know. It should get better. Now that he's away from hell.

We both sort of had a breakdown but after that we talked a lot and then after that we spent the entire day together because we had 6 years to catch up on.

And Percy told me that he didn't like dad and he wasn't going to drag dad out here. But he gave me the info if I wanted to reach out. He just wasn't getting involved. He's completely cut himself off.

Failing at pottery was a lot of fun. It helped me ignore my depression for a while. It's like not that bad. But it's there and so I feel shitty a lot and it's just there. Sitting inside my mind. Always. He has it worse. But his friend also just died.

I did ask about Lee, though. I wanted that story.

"We... Summer camp," my brother explained to me. "Which I mean, it wasn't my choice to go. Mom didn't have a say in it, either. It was dad's choice. Dad is a long story, I'll explain later. But we met at summer camp the next summer after you left or whatever happened."

"Mom kicked me out."

"Yeah, Gabe told me," he responded, nodding his head. "He's dead, by the way. Gabe died a while back. Anyways, Lee was a kid I saw around camp here and there. We really didn't talk until we we're 14. Stuff was going on and we had to deal with each other a lot so we started to hang out outside of that that summer. He told me he was gay towards the middle to end of that summer. Or, he didn't tell me, I found out by accident. But I mean, I am, too, so it's not a big deal for me to know. And I think it was weird for about a week before I asked him out. It worked out."

"And Mom..?"

"Pfft, she didn't know." Percy insisted. "I knew she kicked you out for being gay, and you didn't even have a boyfriend. When Lee was in a coma, you know, I thought he was dead. So I dated someone for like a month. And brought him with to the cabin. Others were with, too. We knew we couldn't do a ton with Mom and all. But there was a loudmouth with and normally he's good but he slipped and mom found out and I blacked out after a panic attack and when I woke up my friends were there in the car and​ they told me I was kicked out. "

That's, okay.... That's kind of intense. Both of us have anxiety. Depression. It runs in the family. I got lucky with the anxiety. It's hard to actually trigger it. But my depression? It's every other thing.

By the sounds of what happened when he got kicked out, he's got it the other way around.

But I started to think about what Lee has told me. And really, he doesn't tell us much. But stories slowly are having less and less people.

I wonder if they're all dead.

That'd suck.

"What about dad?" I asked, because I still want to meet him. Hug him and slap him all at once. "Like you know him or....?"

"I do," Percy confirmed, nodding his head once again. "And I mean he's okay, I guess. I've seen worse parenting. Kind of a let down I don't know. Dad and his friend kind of saw me as their solution to all of their problems and they used me for a lot of things and they just rub me wrong. But if you want to meet him, which I get, I'll call him. We have two brothers. Half brother, but whatever. Tyson is nice, a year or so younger. Triton is... He's never liked me. He'd probably bring Tyson with, though. Dad did ask about you once. When we met. So yeah."

So Percy made a phone call.



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