Chapter Nine

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Clarisse was chill after about 30 seconds. And I was confused as to why this guy brought us over.

Until he starts hitting on me and this chick hits on Lee.

And I'm not talking about light flirting bullshit. It wasn't shits and giggles and compliments.

He was getting a little close for personal space, and I knew that. He knew that. So he decided that he might as well go big, considering I'm not sure he even knows my name.

There was a hand on the crotch of my pants. And that was my limit. I was calm about it. Everyone had noticed that he took that step. Well, aside the girl trying to get with Lee who doesn't even have his attention.

"Get your hands off of me," I told him. "Learn some fucking respect. But if you'd excuse me, I have things I have to get done while I'm here and I really don't have time for this."

He got the idea. So did she.

We gave Clarisse a hug before we left, and just to be assholes, we walked away holding hands.



I had so many questions about what I just witnessed as Percy and Lee walked off. First off, they were holding hands.

My probably dumbass took a photo from  The behind and send it to like everyone I know from camp in my phone. They should know, right? I don't have location turned on and as far as they know I'm in California. I actually gave them a bullshit answer when they asked where I was. Where they were.

I told them we were in Canada.

But nobody seemed to know about Lee and Percy. Or that either of them were bi.

So then you ask if they're actually together or if they're just trying to like not get groped again. It's a smart idea.

But how true is it?



Well no shit we we're worried. This was my best friend, this is Percy. And he just left. We couldn't tell who the guy was, but Clarisse told us it was Lee. He wasn't dead.

Why they were holding hands, nobody fucking knew. Sure, Percy might be bi, but he sure as hell isn't confident enough to do that. And Lee is straight.

Because really, I think that Nico was something for him to just keep him stable. Sure, Nico was gay and he did like Percy, I knew that. But I'm still not convinced that Percy's bi. He was in a hard time, he needed somebody there for him. Nico showed up.

I never saw them kiss.

But like what the hell? As worried as I was, I was frustrated with him. Because it's starting to feel like he won't tell me stuff anymore.

He never actually told me about Nico slapping him, which is another reason I don't think he liked Nico. Then he doesn't tell me he's bi or whatever. And he doesn't talk about his anxiety of anything. Just says he has therapy. It's okay.

And now he's gone and we don't know why and I mean let's be honest Clarisse lied about where they are because they probably talked and she won't give him up to us.

But why would he leave like that? What's the point?

Why not talk to us about it? Work it out, sort of come to a compromise. This place isn't that bad.

I just wish he would talk to us.

"Maybe this is like his midlife crisis or something," Leo was trying to help out and he wasn't really. I appreciated, though, it made it a little better. Not much. "I mean, we don't live until we're ripe and old, right? So 18 could be mid life?"

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