Chapter Fourteen

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I wasn't there, so I had no idea as to how it went with Dad. It was almost midnight and I hadn't gotten a text yet. Or a call.

"He'll be fine." Lee insisted as we laid down in bed. I was snuggled up against him, just wanting my phone to ring. "It's PJ, he's been through a lot, remember?"

"I know," I assured him, sighing. "I just want this to go well for him. I don't want what happened to me to happen to him. Dad told me he wished I was never born. That sort of hurt. He waited for this for so long that..."

"I get it," he told me, running his fingers through my hair. "we all went through it, Percy. And we all lived."

When I woke up the next morning, my brother sent us a photo of him in New York. With Dad.

That kind of hurt for both Lee and I. Neither of other godly parents ever really did things with us. We we're lucky to see them once a year.

Normally, it was for war.

So I guess he got lucky.

Really. Fucking. Lucky.



I don't know why Percy was so negative about all of this. This is great. Being with dad.

He bought me whatever the hell I wanted, I got a tattoo, I was finally allowed to dye my hair. And he did all of this because he insisted he had almost 18 years to catch up on, and he wanted it to count.

He's the best dad ever.

I got to see his place and they treated me like royalty, it was great. I got whatever the fuck I wanted just for being some gods kid.

Life was good.

And I mean, it changed me. It opened my eyes to this whole new world where I matter. Where I'm important.

I'm the child of a god.

So when I returned home like I didn't want to a week later, of course I was different. Like I said, I'm important. I'm like a prince or something.

I don't know why Percy didn't have the same thought process.



I love my brother with all my heart, but he's so fucking dumb sometimes. He never went to camp, he stayed with Dad for a week. Meaning he got spoiled to hell.

So now he was being selfish.

Lee and Andrea noticed I was ready to deck him. Zander was working today so he wasn't here yet. It was the four of us.

Also, Pierre got a boyfriend. Somebody from Dad's kingdom, a worker of sorts.

So then he started to brag about the amazing sex they had. How caring and considerate and how this guy listened to him.

Dad turned my brother into a self absorbed asshole.

"Oh my gods, would you shut up?" He started talking about how he was treated like royalty and it just annoyed it. But he shut up. "You're not special, Pierre. Just because you got a boyfriend a dad wanted to spoil you for a week because he knew where he stood with me doesn't make you any more special than I am or Lee is or anyone is. You're not their only child. There's hundreds of kids in that camp. You're just one of them. Don't act like you're the only one that matters. You didn't even do anything for them. Not a damn thing."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2018 ⏰

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