Chapter Ten

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I was a nervous piece of shit.

We're like mostly moved in after Andrew days now. The things we needs are all set up and ready. Electricity, water, internet, so on and so forth. But now we're like going to his parents house for his birthday celebration party thing for his little sister. I guess his mom remarried and long time ago.

I was nervous, though. The entire family was going to be there from what I heard. But at least he's out to his family. So we know they're not homophobic. They also know he's bringing somebody with him.

Will knocked on the door, though, and his most intimidating relative answered the door.

That whole you're not apart of the family deal didn't last long. The birthday girl, who's 4 now, ran up and hugged her brother. And then she asked who I was and Lee introduced me to her and she was the cutest fucking kid.

Outside maybe Lee's baby pictures. I've yet to see them, but I have a mission. They can't be that hard to find. And if his mom is anything like mine, she'll sit me down for an hour like she did with Annabeth and show me all of his embarrassing childhood photos.

Lee's older brother, Liam, looked light he might just kill me, though. So just for showing up I was on his bad side.

I can't say I expected anything else.

His parents seemed to like me, though. I mean, his mom gave me a hug and said that she's been for too damn long to meet me. His step-dad gave me like one of those typical guy hugs, real quick, and said he was glad to see I could make it to one of these to meet them.

Like I would happen, his mom kind of claimed me for a while. And she didn't do baby photos, but she did want me to help her in the kitchen because nobody in her family can cook.

She wanted me to show them up basically.

But it was nice. We started to talk.

"So, Percy," she said as I started cutting up apples. "I know you guys met at camp and all, but where are you actually from?"

"I'm from New York, Manhattan," I answered her question. "I was like a half hour drive from Camp."

"That's nice that it's so close," she remarked and I was unsure. "I mean, not for all the problems I'm sure you've dealt with. But I mean it saves money on sending you there in the summer. Less traveling."

"I suppose," I could half agree with what she said. "I mean, there was always problems there. But it was nice, for a while."

"Yeah," Leah, Lee's mom, said. "Um... Do you have siblings outside of camp siblings? Lee said you live with your mom, right?"

"I used to live with my mom, yeah," I confirmed, nodding. "I uh... I mean, I have an older brother but stuff happened when he was younger with my mom's ex husband, not his dad, and then I don't really know what happened, but he moved in with his dad. We talk sometime. But he lives... I don't even know where they live anymore. And then last I checked my mom and my step dad want a kid, but I don't think she's gotten pregnant. He's older though. My brother is."

"You used to... You're still 17?"

"I turn 18 in August, so yeah."

"And you already moved out?"

I smiled at her.

"Um, I mean I'm moved out." It was hard to explain because it's complicated. "My mother found out I had a boyfriend and she didn't have the best reaction. And it wasn't because I didn't tell her. It was because it was a guy and so I'm not at home anymore."

Well of course, that sounds pretty shitty and like my life is going pretty bad. Which I mean, it is. But today has been good. Yesterday was good. We are two for two so far.

I was able to assure her that I'm doing fine, though. I've been waiting for it to happen. She was going to find out and it's how it is.

I was happier with Lee anyways.

We finished the appetizers before everyone got here so that was good, and after that I was told to change into swim trunks because they have an outdoor in ground pool.

It was a pretty big pool, too. His dad shoved me in.

So I uh, got my revenge. And he was literally swept from his feet by a wave and dunked in.

Lee and his brother laughed their asses off.

His dad and I had a splash war, and it didn't last long.



I was glad this was going really good. My parents have wanted to meet Percy for a long time. And then you know I died and now I'm back so that's good.

But we we're in the pool and we're all going at it with each other and my dad just fucking dunks Percy under and we're in the deep end. 10 ft. Water. So Liam got nervous.

"He'll be fine!" Dad insisted. "Can he not swim?"

"Yeah, he's fine," I said as I looked down and saw him hit the bottom of the pool, sitting for a second. He likes to contemplate in places like this. He says it's more peaceful than like the ocean or the actual world. Pools. "He's Poseidon's kid, he can breathe underwater. It's impossible for him to drown or get hypothermia from water."

"That's so cool!" Liam remarked. "What the fuck? Why don't you have powers like that?"

I shrugged.

"I mean, there's healing music." I told him, which he knew about. "But like Poseidon is a big deal god compared to Apollo so his kids are more powerful and he really only has Percy for half mortal kids so Percy's like fucking modern day Hercules, I don't know. He won't kill you, he's too soft for that, but I mean he's a powerful guy."

Percy came back up, and we had a fucking blast.



I got so many baby photos of Lee, it was great. But after everyone left and Liam told me to not mess with his brother, in which I promised I'd do my best to be a good boyfriend, his parents talked to us. Serious.

Leah told her husband, Ryan, about what happened with my mom. How I don't live at home anymore. And I guess they came to an agreement that you know, Lee is living in the apartment, if I want to, I could, too.

Their reasoning was that we started dating 3 years ago (it's fucking insane) and now they've met me and they trust that we can control ourselves enough to live together and not get AIDs. Like a blessing.

So it was really refreshing going back to this new home that I have, knowing that his parents approve. And as much as I'd be there either way there's this satisfaction that comes with knowing they don't hate you. .

Who knows, maybe it's just because I had problems with my mom over it. But I think I'm going to like it here, with Lee.

Knock on wood, right?

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