Book Worm-Lashton

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Luke's Pov

"Okay everyone continue on with your projects. I understand some of you are done and if you are then you have the class to yourself but no phones" Mr. Harris says before sitting back down at his desk and begins mumbling to himself whilst struggling to understand how to use his computer.

I waste no time before taking out my favorite book at the moment.

"Jeez kid, didn't you just start a new book yesterday?"I hear someone ask. I look up and see that it was Ashton Irwin. He wasn't really popular but he wasn't an outcast either. I only knew his name because we had been partnered for a project once before and I had a slight crush on him. It didn't seem he remembered mine though as he referred to me as "kid".

"Yes"I respond.

"Then why are you reading a new book today, isn't it confusing reading more than one at a time?"He asks.

"I finished that book already."

"How, it was like a jillion pages?"He asks while taking his seat beside me in the empty space that was never occupied.

"That is impossible, a jillion is not a real number" I say and he rolls his eyes.

"You know what I mean"

"I believe you are saying that the book had a lot of pages, and you are once again incorrect it only had 978." I say.

"Only 978, dude that's a lot"

"I mean I guess to someone who doesn't read as much as I, it would seem that way." I muse.

"Gee you think?"He says sarcastically.

"Yes"I answer with a straight face.

"It was rhetorical"He says.

"I don't understand rhetorical questions, why ask if you aren't looking for an answer?"

"That was rhetorical"He says pointedly.

"No it wasn't, I genuinely want to know the answer" I say and he looks at me with a look in his eyes unidentifiable to me.

"You are something Luke Hemming's"He says before walking back over to his actual seat.

Great my first conversation with Ashton over something other than school work and I blew it. I sigh before returning to my book at least I had a great storyline to cheer me up.


It was finally Friday. My interaction with Ashton had happened Tuesday and he hadn't said anything to me since or even looked in my direction. I was just ready to go home and read the whole weekend.

I open my locker to get my biology text book as the teacher had given homework for the weekend as usual- I was convinced her life goal was to make her students lives miserable. In the process of doing so a thin book fell out and onto the floor. I had never seen it before and was confused as to how it got into my locker. I look around before opening it. Inside I see someone had wrote in the front cover, I cringe but nonetheless read it.

Sorry the book is so small, it was the biggest that could fit through the slots in your locker

anyways i know i haven't talked to you all week since tuesday and i apologize but i was preoccupied with reading the book you had on Monday and while it took most of my time i finally completed it and understand your appreciation for books now 

i was wondering if you would like to come over to my house tomorrow and watch the movie with me and criticize it for leaving out key details?

my address is 1234 Fivsesosthreeneedstocome road if you would like to join me i will begin the movie at 7 : )

-hope to see you there Ash xx

It seemed I wouldn't be reading the weekend away like I had been hoping but I was completely okay with my new plans.

im excited for 5sos3 i hope it comes soon 

also sorry this is short

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