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Luke- 4 years old

Calum-4.5 years old

Michael-4.75 years old

Ashton- 5

Luke was home sick from daycare and his three best friends were in hysterics. They decided that since Luke wasn't there they didn't have to be. They screamed and cried until their mums took them to Luke's. So that's how the three boys ended up crowded around a sleeping Luke.

"He dead?"Calum whispers.

"No idiot"Michael says.

"Den why ain'ts he twalking?"

"He's sleepin"Ashton says.

"Not no more, y'all louds"Luke says waking up and glaring at his best friends.

"Sowwi"Calum says shrugging. "We play with toys now?"

"No Cally I can'ts I got pweriod cramps like mummy"Luke says holding his stomach.

"Whats pweriod cramps?"Calum asks.

"It's when you forget to pause at the pweriods when you reading before you go to bed so the pweriods come out of all the books in da whole world and hurt your stummy for forgetting about them"Ashton explains with wild hand gestures. 

"You sure Ashy?"Michael asks.

"Mhm"He says with a proud nod.

"Las night Jacky didn't wanna read to Lukey so he read really fast and skipped the pweriods"Luke says shooting up in bed and slapping his hands to his cheeks.

"Lizzy know?"Calum asks.

"Me no know, she never told me whys I no go to daycare"Luke says.

"We gots to tell her"Calum exclaims before running out of Luke's room with the other boys following him.

"Lizzy, Jacky skipped his pweriods when he was reading last night to Lukey so now Lukey got's pweriod cramps!"

"Anne get the wine"

5sos Boy x Boy One Shots and Things.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz