Stomach Flu- Muke

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thank you for the request @StaceyStonier for the request. ( I added in the first bit hope you don't mind!)

I do take requests just comment them or pm me!

Luke's Pov

The boys and I were in the middle of our tour and constantly traveling, then putting on a show and leaving again. We had finally gotten a whole day break in between shows but we had to write and record.

I woke up feeling sick but just pushed it off because Calum made the boys and I eat from some weird restaurant last night. While it was probably nothing, it made functioning hard.  I couldn't move too fast because it made me nauseous so I got to the studio half an hour late. 

I speed walk in despite my stomach groaning in protest.

"Luke where have you been?"Michael demands as soon as I walk in.

"I'm sorry I wasn't feeling well this morning"I say rushing to my guitar as all the other boys were already playing.

"Yeah more like you overslept cause you can't do anything for yourself, I told you guys one of us should have stayed with him last night"Calum says rolling his eyes.

"No I really-"

"Luke we don't have time"Ashton says before counting off to one of the songs we had been working on. I sigh but begin strumming my guitar to the beat.

I was fine until I had to sing. I needed to throw up but I didn't want to make the boys angrier at me so I kept singing as best I could without barfing all over the studio.

"Luke you sound like shit"Calum says after we finish touching up the words to that song.

"I'm sorry" I rasp out.

"Sorry does absolutely nothing, if you aren't going to take this band seriously you can leave"Calum says getting angrier by the second. I open my mouth to respond but instead of words coming out a gag does instead and I run to the bathroom covering my mouth.

"Are you-"Calum begins still angry.

"Wait he does look and sound a little off"Michael says before coming to the bathroom and rubbing my back while I throw up everything I had ate the past two days.

"Awe Lukey". Tears were streaming down my face and sobs escaping my lips as I stop throwing up. I lay my head against the wall and close my eyes.

"Are they gonna kick me out of the band?"I ask my voice cracking towards the end.

"No of course not, they are just stressed and worried"Michael says pulling me into his chest.

"But I ruin everything"I say.

"No you do not Luke, without you this band wouldn't even exist so shut-up and lets get you home"He says picking me up bridal style. I keep my eyes closed and lean into his chest.

"He's sick, I'm gonna take him home" 

"I'm sorry Lukey" Calum says and I nod.

"Me too"Ashton says.

"S'alright"I say.

Michael carries me out to his car and begins driving in the direction of his house.

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you"I hear him say but I was exhausted and couldn't feel the energy to respond. I feel myself slowly falling asleep.

"Adorable"I hear him whisper as the car slows down. Once he comes to a complete stop he kisses my forehead.

"I love you" I crack a small smile before falling completely asleep.

I know this isn't exactly what happens in the studio but it did in here : )

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