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Luke's Pov

Today was not my day in the slightest. It was a Monday and in my second period I had gotten an 89 on a test. To most people that would be great, it was only one point away from an A but not to my parents. They were gonna kill me. I had been stressed about this all day but it was finally my last class and I wasn't ready to go home but, at the same time I just wanted to go home and then to sleep after my parents were done yelling at me and forcing me to study and do online worksheets.

But that wasn't going to happen.

"Mr. Hemmings pay attention" Ms.Bell says from the front of the class. She was my least favorite teacher but I was for the most part her favorite student.

"Alright so now that everyone has finished their warm-up we can begin with the lesson, take out your notebooks and lets begin"She says and she teaches for about ten minutes before she got sidetracked.

"How many of you want to go to college?"She asks and I raise my hand alone with most everyone else in the class except a few kids in the back.

"Oh, you boys don't want to go to college?"She asks.

"M'am I don't even want to be here, what makes you think I want to go to college"He retorts and then Ms. Bell begins rambling about how he would be working at McDonald's. This wasn't the first time she had told this lecture so I pull out my book and begin reading it behind my notebook. My assign seat was in the back so she couldn't really see, so I should be fine. 

I had just gotten to the end and only had two pages left in the book when she calls me out. "Mr. Hemmings how many times do I have to tell you, no reading in my class during instruction, detention" My heart stops, I had never gotten in trouble but now I had detention. 

My parents were actually gonna kill me now.

"What the fuck, that's so dumb you weren't even teaching" Someone pipes up.

"Mr.Hood detention for you as well"


The final bell had rang and I pack up slowly. I had no idea where detention was and I didn't want to ask Ms. Bell as I had a strong dislike for her currently.

"Need help?"the boy from earlier asks and I nod.

"You've never got detention before?"He asks as we begin walking.

"No"I say in a small voice.

"You alright?"He asks.

"Yeah"I lie. I was freaking out, this was going to go on my record and I would never get into college now.

"Look its not that bad, we go out to the track and just sit there on the bleachers, half the time, the teacher just lets us leave"He explains.

"You've had this before?"I ask astonished at how casual he was about it.

"Yeah"He says laughing. "C'mon Mr. Rayford isn't even here lets go home"

"Wait, won't we get in more trouble?"I ask stopping.

"No, he'll mark us present"

"Alright"I say hesitantly following after him. He begins walking to the front of the school and I follow checking my phone while doing so.

Mom: You're in so much trouble. An 89 Lucas really?

I sigh and put my phone away.

"What?"He asks looking concerned.

"I've got to go home, I'm in trouble"I say.

"Darn I was hoping we could get to know each other better, but I can walk you home if you'd like?"He suggests.


"So why are you in trouble, if you don't mind me asking"He asks after a minute of us walking in comfortable silence.

"I got an 89 on a test"I say with a shrug.

"You're in trouble over an 89, dude I struggle to get 80's on tests"He exclaims and I just shrug again.

"My parents don't like B's"



"Well I think you did great on the test"He says.

"Thank you"I say blushing a bit. "Well this is my house"

"Oh alright, here's my number"He says taking a piece of paper from the binder I had been carrying and writing his number on it but not his name. That's when I realized that I didn't know his name.

"Hey, what's your name?"I call after him as he had already walked down my driveway.

"Calum"He says with a contagious grin before walking away.

"Calum"I whisper before walking in and ignoring my parents still smiling brightly.

this is based off a kinda true story: Ms.Bell does exist but I changed her name and I am one of her favorites(only because I actually do her work) and she is my least favorite and she did rant about McDonalds workers last friday and I did read while she ranted but she didn't give me attention she was just like: 

"Miss. Not saying my last name because I hate it, you aren't reading behind your notebook are you?"

Me: "No m'am of course not"

yeah I read a lot. but in my defense books are better than people

5sos Boy x Boy One Shots and Things.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن