Home- Part 2

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It had been a few months since Luke had begun living with Ashton, he had turned six. Though he had never met Ashton's best friends and they thought it was time.

"Hey Luke, at the park today some of my friends are joining us" Ashton says.

"Okay daddy" Luke says thinking that kids his age would be joining them.

"You ready?"

"Yes"Luke squeals running past Ashton and out the door. They walk to the park as it was close by. Ashton notices his friends awkwardly standing near the picnic tables where all the mum's sat gossiping.

"Oh hello Ashton!" One of the mums call.

"Hello Jeanine"

"How are you?"She asks and Ashton groans in his head. Jeanine could talk with you for hours but was a very sweet woman.

"Good, but I'm actually meeting someone so I'll talk to you later"

"Oh alright dear" Ashton closes the distance between he, Michael, and Calum. Luke hides behind his leg.

"Okay Luke these are my friends Michael and Calum" Ashton says gesturing to the two lads. One with red hair (leave me alone) and the other with dark hair. Both wore leather jackets and looked very intimidating to the young boy. He pulls on Ashtons shirt and holds his arms up wanting his daddy to hold him.

"It's alright Luke, they are very nice"Ashton says but nonetheless picks his son up.

"They look scary" Luke whispers in Ashton's ear.

"Yes but, they are the sweetest people in the world" 

"Hi Luke" Michael says.

"Kitty"Luke says in response.

"Hey, I don't look like a kitten" Michael groans in protest and Luke giggles.

"See someone agree's with me" Calum says smirking.


"Ha" Michael says while Ashton smiles fondly.

"Daddy I want down"Luke says wiggling around in Ashton's arms.

"Alright"He says putting Luke down who takes a step tentatively toward the other two men.

"Can I touch your hair?"He asks Michael.

"Sure" Michael says bending down to Luke's height.  Luke cards Michael's fingers through his hands with a look of astonishment on his face. He stands on his tip toes and chews on Michael's hair only to pull back a second later with a grimace on his face.

"How come it tastes icky and not like cherries?"He asks tilting his head in confusion. The others laugh and he frowns.

"That's because chemicals made it red not cherries silly"Michael says ruffling Luke's hair.


"You'll learn what they are one day" Calum says. A dog runs up to the group with a tennis ball in his mouth. Luke screams and runs back to Ashton.

"It's alright he's a nice puppy" Calum says bending down to pet the puppy.

"Is he yours?"

"Yes, his name is Daniel" Luke slowly falls out of Ashton's arms.

"Can I pets him?"

"Pet"Ashton corrects.

"Can I pet him?"

"Of course" Luke pets Daniel and giggles when he licks his face.

"That means he likes you"

"Can we keep 'em?"Luke asks Ashton.

"No, it's Calum and Michael's puppy."

"No silly I mean Mikey and Cal"Luke says and the others all share a smile.

"Of course Lukey" Calum says.

"I lob you all" Luke says and Ashton didn't correct him this time.

i love this series 

more parts?

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