Chapter 6: Trouble

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Lucy's POV

Nastu and I were in my apartment talking. We were with each other, enjoying each other in every was, but then I wanted to find Wendy to, ya know, go over battle plans.

"Hey, Nastu, imma go find Wen. Do you know where she might be?" I said, giving him a peck on the lips.

"Umm, I think she went to the park with Romeo to train. I'll see you later than" Nastu said with his signature, goofy smile.

"K, I'll see you later." I said, holding his hand, walking outside my apartment. I head towards the bridge while Nastu ran into the woods where his house is.

I cross the bridge, men whistling and calling my name, and like always, I ignore them. I eventually reach Magnolia Park, and cop cars surrounding the perimeter. I instant get scared and run over to the nearest officer

"Sir, what happened here!?" I kinda shouted.

"Ma'am, I'm going to need you to calm down." The officer said in a stern, monotone voice.

I take a deep breath and say alittle calmer, "What happened. My family were here." I said, trying to sound as sympathetic as possible.

He huffed out," It's been reported that two teens caused this. We won't pressed charges since nothing was TOO damaged, were here to make sure everyone is unharmed."

Oh, there alright. So glad

"Thank you so much, sir" I say with a smile of appreciation.

"They've been reported running to Fairy Hills if you want to know where they are." He said walking away to the cop car.

I turn around, sprinting towards Fairy Hills to make sure they are okay. As I'm running, a million thoughts are going through my head. What happened? Did they get into an argument?

The last thoughy made me run even faster. A dragon slayer with a fire wizard is NOT a good combination. Especially with one having unstable emotions like Wendy.

I reach Fairy Hills and I run upstairs to her rokm VERY out of breath. Maybe sprinting wasn't such a good idea...

"Wendy. Romeo. Are you there" I say while knocking on her door.

I then hear a lot of ruffling and heavy breathing. A few seconds later, Wendy opens the door, kinda out of breath, all her hair pulled to the same side, with a very wierd smile.

"Ummm... Heeyyyy, Luuucceee" Wendy said, draging out her words.

"Wen, where is Romeo?" I ask suspiciously.

"Ummm... NOT HERE! hehe" Wendy said, slightly shaking her head. Doing that, I see a glimpse of dark purple, right on top of her collar bone.


"Would you mind if I looked around?" I asked her, inspecting her emotions.

She went alittle pale and pulled her hair closer to her neck, covering the little purple I saw. "Sure. No problem"

I walk inside and find her bed sheets kinda crumbled up with imprints of, not one person, but two. Her pillows were on the virge of falling off and the bed frame was slightly shifted.

I looked back up to her but she didn't notice. Her vision kept shifting to her bathroom to her shoulder.

Well, he has to be in there!

"Well, I have to go to the bathroom. Do you mind if- " I started to talk but Wendy instantly shut me up.

"NO, YOU CAN'T" she shouted, crimson red rising to her cheeks.

I then run for the bathroom. She jumps infront of me in attempt to stop me but I faked through her. I slam open the door to see Romeo without his vest on, also a little out of breath.

"Hehehe, Heeeyyy Luuucceee" Romeo said, scratching the back of his neck, blushing.

"What. Did. You. Two. Do!" I said with a stern voice, startling them both.

"Nothing yet" Wendy said pouting a bit.

"Yet!? Hold on..." I said power walking toward her, pulling back her hair, revealing a dark purple, green, and red hickey.

This makes me so angry and a little grossed out. I always thought of them as brother and sister, so this feels like insest.

A/N: I dont know of I'm spelling it right, but insest is when family members dates one another. Just wanna clear it up.

"Really!" I shout, making them flinch. "I swear, imma-" I satrted but once again interrupted bu Wendy.

"RUN!!" she shouted.

Both started to sprint out the window, both running as fast as they can.

"I WILL FIND YOU!" I shout

Romeo's POV

Me and Wen are running AGAIN, which is so tiring and annoying.

"She is so pissed! Where do we go? We can't go to the guild, that's way to obvious." Wen yells, running beside me.

"Hold up" I shout, pulling her into a hidden clearing.

We pull over and catch our breath for the third time today.

"So, where do we go. I want to pick up where we left off..." Wendy whispered in my ear giving me chills, also making me that more eager.

I pulled her closer into a kiss using her hips. We stood there for a while, the soft wind blowing us alittle making the scene look that more amazing.

We finally pull away and steadily walk behind bushes, fearing Lucy can pop up any second.

While walking, we find my dad's and my house.

"Let's stop here. C'mon" I say, pulling her to the 4 story house infront of us.

I pull her in and lock the door tight. "So, where were we?" I whispered in her ear, earning a giggle from her. She jumped on my chest, making us fall into a deeper kiss.

I'm with Wendy and I'm so glad. Nothing can bring me down. Well, here goes nothing...


Word Count:1002
Wazzup!! So, the next chapter is ONLY a lemon so if your not into that, just skip. If anything important you need to know, I'll fill you in. Well Bai!

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