Route B

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So this is how I wanted the book to go but you didn't like it so fine be that way but imma drop this here for y'all... and it's multi pov so get fucking ready... y'all might not like it but at least read it for me, and appreciate my view as the author. Saranghae! (eW I fEeL LiKe a WeEb eW) ily all so much I just-

Jin's POV: "Yoongi-ah your in charge of the boys while I'm gone!" I said as I excitedly packed. "Hm. Alright" he chuckled as I began to fold clothes. "This Eric guy... is he good enough for our girl?" Yoongi asked. I remember when Y/N called and said her and Eric were getting married, and the boys reaction. Yoongi was just worried about her. "Does he treat jiwa well?" Was his first question. Yoongi truly is a friend to the Kim family. "Eric is an amazing man, hell if I liked boys I would marry him" I laughed. "Did you, tell him?" Yoongi asked. "I'm telling Namjoon on my way out. I didnt want him to have time to sabotage anything. If he goes on a bender or does anything reckless don't call me. Frankly I don't give a shit" I mumbled. I told namjoon she was seeing someone new once and he went ballistic. Never again. She doesn't need him in her life.
"Namjoon" I said as I rolled my suitcase down the hall, stoping at his studio. "Yes, hyung?" He said. He doesn't have much emotion anymore, he's like a zombie. "I'm going to America for the week. Yoongi is in charge, listen to your hyung" I said. "Why?" He asked. I smiled in anticipation. Karma is a funny bitch. "I'm going to my baby sisters wedding, her fiancé is much more handsome than you" I said, slamming the door as he began yelling and ran out to fallow me as I drove away in the taxi.

a/n sorry not sorry namjoon

Your POV: "That cheating bastard should be ashamed of himself. He's lucky you let him see your daughter! He needs to stop harassing you- ah wait yeabo I'm sorry I didn't mean to swear I just get so angry and-" "it okay Eric" I giggled pecking his lips. "God why couldn't it have been you all along?" I whispered. "It's not all bad, we got a beautiful daughter out of it" he chuckled. He's right, jiwa was the best thing namjoon ever did.

Eric Choi. He's an amazing man. He's taken jiwa in as his own. At the end of last year, he and I realized that we judged each other too soon, and that we should take care of our selves too, not just our kids. So we started going on dates, started dating, and he was amazing, he was the most loving man I've ever met. He didn't mind that I had a child like alot of guys did, considering that he also had a son, and he wasn't some hippie living at home, he had a good job as a doctor in the university hospital. He is such an amazing father to his son Christopher, and immediately took jiwa in as his own. Frankly, I think Christopher is more excited that he's jiwa she big brother than he is that Im going to be his mom. His son is frankly a little angel. He raised him so well. "I can't wait till I can call the beautiful Kim Y/N my wife, and Choi Y/N. I like the ring to it, don't you? My beautiful perfect wife, gods gift to men, Choi Y/N" he said sweetly. "Tomorrow, my deer" I smiled. Most of Eric's whole extended family is here today, and my parents and brother are coming in tonight. were hosting the whole family here, and i honestly love it.
"Seokjin!" i screamed running to my brother, more so sprinting at full speed when i saw him. he smiled and droped his bag as i lept onto him. i could hear Eric laughing as he held jiwa. i relay missed my big brother, okay? "hi y/n" he chuckled. "i missed you" i mumbled as i jumped down. "i misssed you too, kiddo" he said back as we walked back towards Eric. i toook jiwa back as Eric gave jin a hug. "hey Seoknin" he said giving him a 'manly' hug. "hey Eric" he responded back. "Hi christopher!" Seokjin smiled and waved crouching down to his height. "aneyonghasey seokjin hyung- wait momma did i say thay right?" christopher said, whispering the secound part. "wow christopher your korean is getting so good! is your father teaching you?" he asked. Erics only flaw is he cant speak any korean. He was raised in america after all. "no uncle jin he speaks none so mommys teaching me so i can talk to you good!" "hey i speak english too!" "not good" he whispered. "ah your so mean to me christopher" jin wined. "no lemme snach that baby. his jiwa!" he sais excitedly. woopwopp im not getting my daughter back for a long time.

Eric's POV: my fucking son tbh imagine park hyn suk thats eric ok

"David! Bro!" i yelled at my bestfriend as he came off his plane. David Bao is an NYU buddy of mine. "its been to long bro. congrats!" he said walking over. "thank you" i responded as we sat down in the cab. "so my beat friend is getting married, again, to a good old fashioned korean girl." he chuckled. "fresh from the homeland" he added. i chuckled and punched hia arm. "jesus david i didnt buy her from amazon" i laughed. "i always froget shes not from america, ya know? her enhlish is so good" he added. "and shes beautiful and smart" i added. she truly is. she has tbe brains of a nasa scientit, the face of a model, the heart of a saint and the body of the devil damn. "she is. and her daughter, jiwa, right? how is she" he asked. i excitedly puled out my phone to show him photos. "shes one now can you believe it?!" i said as i showed him photos. "jesus do you have any photos of christopher on there?" he lauged. "about a thousand wanna see?" i said excitedly. "no bro ill see him in a few." he chuckled. okay, okay, i mught go overboard. there my family, so i like to have photos. "her brothers a kpop idol, right?" david laughed. "yeah. crazy shit, right" i chuckled. "her ex was one too. they were in a band together" i added. "that crazy cheating asshole" i added again. "i swear if he calls us one more time" i mumbled. "he keeps calling her?" he asked. "all the fucking time"


jins POV: i thought my sisters wedding day would go well. i mean, its an important day in her life, she was smiling in a beautiful dress, many of our family was there, some of our childhood friends too. suddenly. Erics friend david came in to the room we were all taking photos. Those american boys are so sweet. "oh beautiful bride, do you mind if i steal your boys for a moment?" he asked. "is everything okay?" she asked. i swear, she could be a profesional worier. "yeah it fine. jin? eric? just a sec" he said. "whats goi- shit" eric said, and in a moment i saw why.

a drunk fucking namjoon. shit.

"what the fuck are you doing here you little shit?" i said walking up to him and grabing him by the colar. "hyung i love her maannnn" he slured. "you drunk fucking monkey" eric yelled in broken korean. poor david didnr know ahat was going on because his family only spoke hoeken. "if you loved her you wouldnt have cheated on her" eric said back. "b-but thats my daughter!" "oh please you dont give a fuck about her" eric yelled back. "you. yoube hurt my sister for long enough" i said. "get the fuck out! shoo, hiss out of her life! go home you shit before i call the police and bighit!"
and he was gone

and they all lived hapoily ever after. Eric legaly adopted Jiwa, and Y/N legaly adopted christopher so they were truly a family. David set Jin up with his sister jessica and it seems to be going well. namjoon eventualy moved on, unfortunate with that make up artist, who would have a very unstable relationship.

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