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The alarms going off was all I heard as I ran out the hospital. When I got to main level, there were men in suits everywhere, I didn't know where to go.

"Shit!" I whisper to myself.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and thought it was the end. "Toni, calm down and come, I found a way out," Kenny said before pulling my arm.

We ran back up to the second floor and went into the elevator reserved for doctors. Kenny was asking questions from the minute we stepped on but I couldn't focus on his nosiness and our safety at the same time. "Kenny, please shut the fuck up."

When the elevator reached the basement level, Kenny, Arion, and I hopped in our car and took off.

The car ride was quiet. Kenny didn't even glance over towards me and Arion was knocked out in her car seat.

After I realized Kenny drove past our exit minutes ago, I was confused and didn't even have a clue where he was taking us. "Kenny, I don't know where you are headed but I think it's best we go back to the hotel and think first," I said cutting the tension and silence.

"Do you trust me?" he asked, looking over at me for the first time since we got in the car. I hesitated. I trust him with my music, my secrets, my business... but the safety of my daughter up against men chasing her down, that was a different story.

"Toni, whether or not you do, which I know you do deep down, I would never do something stupid in a time like this. I don't know what the hell is going on but if you're in danger, you are my first priority. Always has, always will be. I got you," he said, "I will help you and Arion through whatever shit you guys are in. Don't worry." He grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers.

After my nerves calmed a bit, I decided it was best I not know where Kenny was taking us, so I took a nap. Just in case someone called and asked I wouldn't be lying.

"Tone. Come on, we're here." I heard along with Kenny shaking my arm. "Yeah, Tone. We here." I heard an even sweeter voice say.

I looked over my shoulder and saw Ari wide awake and giddy. I kissed her cheek and picked her up. I hugged her and kept kissing her all over her face, forgetting she was sick.

"Okay. Okay. Okay." She giggled as she tried to squirm her way out of my arms. I checked her fever and her body for any more red spots. She had them everywhere. "Honey, these don't hurt?" I asked gazing my finger over the ones on her arms and hands.

"Momma, I fine," she said in a promising tone. "Can we go in?" I nodded and we all got out the car.

We were at a cabin in the woods.

"Kenny, where th– I mean, thank you," I smiled pathetically. I tried to hide my distaste for the wooden cabin, but Kenny noticed it. "It's not the best, but it's far from the city and look. All trees. Nobody would think to come here," he said.

He had a point. Nobody would think to find me here. Ever. Like not even in the next life would I even be caught dead here.

We walked inside and settled our little bit of stuff. I called my manager using a number blocker and told her to cancel my appearances until further notice as Kenny canceled all his studio time with his artists.

I put Arion down for a nap after bathing in that anti-itch stuff. When I walked into the kitchen area, Kenny was staring at me.

"Tone, we have to talk about this," he said before I could dodge out the room.

"I promise you, you do not want to know. It's no biggie," I lied. He pulled my arm and sat us on the little couch. "Spill it, now," he demanded. His assertiveness had me a little weak in the knees.

"For a while now, she's been having these dreams. Dangerous dreams or more like she sees stuff, I don't really know yet, but it's creepy. She'll wake up from her sleep drenched in sweat and screaming about 'bad men.' Her screaming causes things to move and the floor shakes and everything around us goes crazy. At the hospital, she wasn't seizing nor was there an earthquake or anything. She was having a dream that the bad men were there and she was right. I don't know what they want or if they solely want her, but I cannot let them near her. I don't trust what's going on."

I had tears rolling down my face and couldn't control them. I felt Kenny's hand caress my cheek and wipe my tears. His eyes were so sympathetic and I was falling for them again, like last night. He had this sparkle in his eye that was hard to ignore.

"It'll be okay, T. I don't want to impose on your situation but I'm here if you guys need me," he calmingly said with his hand still caressing my face. His hand moved lower to the side of my neck before he gently pulled me in for a kiss.

I smiled in our kiss and pecked his lips once more before moving back. "Thank you."

thoughts about the chapter?
stay tuned ♥️

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