2. The Game Begins

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"Well, it's simple. You draw a card and someone has to ask you for a secret or a lie. If said person is correct, you have to obey or choose to be blasted. If said person isn't correct, you don't have to say anything. The round ends when someone gets the history card where you have to tell something about your history. If you refuse, you get blasted. The game ends when everyone gets the history card. If the same person gets that card twice, they'll be eliminated"
"Sounds fun!"
"No, Jace, it isn't," I spoke. "Let the games begin," Magnus smirked.


Jace's POV
As I looked at my own card, I almost laughed out loud to myself. The guy, Chris, was supposed to go first. "Jace, lie," Chris finally spoke. "Nope, secret," I responded. Chris huffed in annoyance. "It's okay Chris, you'll do better next time," Magnus chuckled. "Alec, secret," I said. "No, lie," Alec answered.
"What?! No!"
"I told you to not get us involved in this"
"What's so terrible about this game, Alec?"
Alec stared at me like I was insane and I could swear I saw his eyes change a different color. "Alec, what's with your eyes?" I asked. "What are you talking about?" Alec asked, nervously.
"I thought they..."
"Magnus, lie," Alec interrupted. "How did you-? Never mind. I married once," Magnus responded. "You never married? But you're like 400+!" I yelled.
"And? All of my past lovers were taking advantage of me, using me, and emotionally abusing me. So, no, I have not married because I haven't found the one"
"Still, I thought for sure you would have married once!!"
"Don't get me wrong, I have thought about marriage but I haven't"
"But you did find the one"
Alec looked at me sadly. "I did, but of course I was betrayed. Like usual," Magnus hissed.

Alec's POV
The game was getting intense as only 3 players remained. Every time someone thought I had secret and got it right, I would choose to get blasted. "Jace, History," Magnus smirked. "Come on! I'm eliminated!" Jace shouted. I couldn't help but laugh. "Jace, you were terrible at this game," Magnus sighed.
"Yes, yes, I was. But that is not the point!"
Jace looked at me then to Magnus. "Alexander, this should be interesting," Magnus smirked while giving me a glare.

A/N: I actually wrote a part two for this (finally!!!) There will be a total of 4

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