The Royal Affair

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Alec is the king of Mazikeen and Magnus is the king of Malec, two similar worlds but the greatest enemies. When someone attacks the other, they're forced to meet

Alec's POV

I hissed as I stormed up to the throne room, not caring if my worst enemy was seeing his citizens or not. When I finally reached the door, I slammed it open and stormed inside even while his soldiers were trying to prevent me from entering.

"Your majesty," I spat.

"King Magnus, we can-" a soldier interrupted.

"It's fine," Magnus assured, glaring at me intensely.


"Leave us!"

"Very well," the soldier finally gave up.

"Why did you come here?" Magnus growled.

"You know very well why, your majesty. My country was attacked by one of your own. We both know we can't risk war," I spat, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, yes, that. Perhaps you join me for dinner? We can talk negotiations then"

"Now why would I-"

"That's an order. Or did you forget you're in my country and don't have any power here?"


Some time later...

Alec's POV

I swear it felt like Magnus was going to attack me any minute.

"I'm sure you have some ideas, your majesty?" Magnus asked, breaking the silence.

"I can pay you-" I started.

"I don't want your money, Lightwood"

"That's all I can offer you at this time"

"Then I assume you want war then?" Magnus growled, rolling his eyes.

"Then name your price," I huffed.

"It's not something you're going to like"

"I'm not sure exactly what you mean"

"We can become allies only if you agree to my terms"

"No," I spat instantly. I knew what Magnus wanted.

"No? It's just a royal affair, Alexander," Magnus whispered in my ear.

"Why the hell would I agree to this?" I warned.

"Because you know you have to"

"No.. anything but this"

"Are you afraid, Alexander? Because I can be very persuasive"

"How dare you destroy my life! I know your reputation, Magnus!"

I growled when Magnus touched me inappropriately.

"You really want to fight me with this?" Magnus purred.

"Please.... don't. There has to be something else you want," I replied.

"There's really not"

"Stop it, you're hurting me!"

"That's the whole point, Alexander. Do we have a deal?" Magnus growled.

"No. I'd rather go to war," I spat.

"But you don't"

I screamed as Magnus dragged me to his chambers.

A couple minutes later....

Alec's POV

"Now, do we have a deal?" Magnus hissed, slapping me.

"Yes, we have a deal.." I barely whispered. My life is over.

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