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Only because I've ended my last one-shot with a cliffhanger


Then I was grabbed by the shirt and pinned to a wall.


Alec's POV

I was frightened because I noticed the way Magnus looked at me. His eyes weren't filled with love or comfort but was filled with disgust and anger.

"What are you waiting for? Make him pay!" Asmodeous shouted.

"No... Magnus, please don't listen to him. I love you," I whispered.

"Are you actually going to believe that, Magnus? He broke up with you, how could he possibly still love you?"

Magnus was frozen, trying to decide what to do. I closed my ears, preparing myself for the possibility of getting beaten. If he did so, I knew I lost him forever, and realize I took the biggest mistake of my life.

"It's okay, Magnus. Do what you have to do. I can't make you listen to me," I whispered.

"Magnus, you have to make him pay!" Asmodeous shouted.

My heart beat fast when Magnus moved, ready to feel the first hit but was taken by surprise when lips were on my own, kissing me desperately and hungrily. I opened my eyes.

"Magnus.." I spoke through the kiss.

"Alexander, my love," Magnus smiled, breaking the kiss and let go of me, making me hold on to the wall with my hand so I wouldn't slide down to the wall.

"YOU FOOL!" Asmodeous growled before blasting me with magic, making me fall down to my knees and holding my stomach because the pain hurt too much.

"NO!" Magnus screamed, running to me but was thrown out of the way. I screamed, noticing chains holding him in place.

"Magnus, my son. After all I taught you and you didn't have the heart to teach the one you used to love a lesson? Do I have to do everything, Magnus?!" Asmodeous grinned, kneeling down in front of me.


"Magnus.... I love you so so much.." I whispered through the pain. I screamed in agony when his fathers magic was choking me.

"STOP HURTING HIM!!!!" Magnus screamed out, unleashing his magic in a whip throwing his father across the room. Magnus ran to me and engulfed me in a hug, slowly healing me with his magic. "I'm so sorry..."

"No, Magnus. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have broke up with you but I wanted you to have your magic back.." I whispered.

"You stupid nephilim, why did you think making a deal with my father was a good idea?" Magnus laughed.

"How did you.."

"He messed up when he hurt you. I could see it in his body expression that his plan didn't work. He was going to kill you so it would succeed"

"I love you so much. Magnus..."

Magnus smiled, making a portal to the Institute and ended up in my bedroom.

"What? Are you going to tell me how much you love me?" I teased.

"Tell you? Alexander, I'm going to show you," Magnus winked.

"Marry me..." I blurted out, making Magnus freeze. "I'm sorry... I didn't..."

"Yes," Magnus interrupted, smiling.

Malec one-shots sometimes chapters 3Where stories live. Discover now